Page 75 of Real Love

“As I was saying, once he tapped that and made your body feel better,” she started laughing. “What was going to happen next?”

“Tapped that? Sean Prescott, I never would have suspected you even new words like that.”

“You forget, I wasn’t always a good Christian boy.” He smiled. “Seriously, was he gonna stay or rush back to his wife?”

“I don’t know. I guess he was gonna rush back to his wife.”

“Interesting.” He nodded.


“You said rush back. Like he was scared his wife would be angry.”

“Of course she’d be upset. I would…too…just like…” Kyla started rubbing her forehead. “What’s happening to me?”

He patted her hands. “You’re finally realizing that you want more than he’s willing to give you.”

She looked at his large hands and her thoughts got confused. Sean was right. She wanted more and Eric wasn’t capable of more. On the other hand, she was thinking how soft Sean’s hands felt, and how she would love to have them patting a few other parts of her body. She pulled back and stood up. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”


“I’m a little vulnerable right now and you are…wow… uhm…can we get some air?”

He looked at her and she looked flustered. “Sure. Let me get Simon.” He grabbed Simon’s leash. “Simon.” He called out and a few seconds later, the little dog came running into the kitchen with Winnie following behind him. He reached down and locked the leash onto Simon’s collar while Kyla did the same for Winnie. They boarded the elevator and rode downstairs.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“It’s a beautiful night.”

“Yes, it is. Where are we going?”

He looked at her smiling. “To the park.”

“Seems Simon knows the way.” Noting Simon pulling Sean.

“Shhh, don’t tell Simon he’s not a great dane.” They both laughed. He reached for her hand and their fingers interlocked. She looked down and smiled. “Sometimes who we think we are, really isn’t who we are. Take Simon for example, he thinks he’s the biggest, baddest dog on the block. In reality, he’s a little fella with a lot of self-confidence.”

At that moment Kyla realized she’d been playing herself short. She thought she was number one in Eric’s life, when in reality she was just the other woman.

Simon got excited and ran toward the park. Kyla and Sean followed and once inside the dog playpen they let the little dogs off their leashes to play. Kyla and Sean walked over and sat on the bench watching their dogs play. She eased up next to Sean and rested her head on

his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

Chapter 35

ERIC’S REFUSAL TO COME OUT and play, shocked Kyla almost as much as Sean’s observation about her position in Eric’s life. In the beginning, her relationship with Eric seemed ideal. But now it was lacking the excitement it once had. Things needed to change, but she wasn’t sure how. Eric said he would make himself available whenever she wanted. That was a lie. She wondered what else he was lying about.

When her cell rang with the secret code, she didn’t rush to answer it. When the phone rang again, she walked over to her desk, picked it up and read the screen, “Liar.” This weekend she’d finally assigned a name to Eric’s number.

He’d gone from being the man that made her body shake with pleasure to the man who broke her heart. She wasn’t sure what angered her more, letting him get close or becoming emotionally attached. She let the call go to voice mail knowing he’d call back. He was hungry and needed a big helping of Kyla to quench his appetite. She continued working and twenty minutes later her phone rang with the same signal and the same name on the caller ID. She closed the door, took a deep breath and answered the call.

“Hey baby,” she purred.

“Hey sexy. I tried calling you earlier.”