Page 76 of Real Love

“I was in the middle of something.”

“I’ve missed you.”

“Have you?”

“Yes. About the other night, I hope you understand?”

“I do.” She understood she was just like her aunts. The other woman waiting on her lover to make time for her.

“I really wanted to see you, but…”

“Eric, you don’t need to apologize.”

“Are we still on for this afternoon?”

“Of course. I’ll see you at four. Bye.”

Kyla dropped Winnie off at the groomers for her usual pampering session and walked three blocks west to the secret apartment. She smiled at the doorman, got on the elevator and rode upstairs. She opened the door and stepped inside the beautiful post war building with the horrible view. She wandered around the apartment looking at the photos and trinkets from her and Eric’s trips and adventures. Symbols of happier times.

She stood staring out the window waiting for Eric. The slight jiggle of the door confirmed it was four o’clock. He was always on time when it came to him satisfying his needs. He pushed the door open and stepped inside. She looked at his reflection in the window and smiled.

“Hey Sexy,” he called. He closed the door, placed his keys on the table and put his jacket on the sofa. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. “I missed you.” He kissed her neck.

If he had made that confession on Saturday, it would have sent chills up her spine. It would have been followed by a rush of heat and a tingling prompting her to rip her clothes off, giving Eric permission to have his way with her. Instead, she felt nothing.

“Did you now?” she said, looking at his reflection in the window.

“Yes.” He eased his hands down the side of her thighs, but she didn’t move. “I see we’re playing a game.”

“A game?” Every statement he made she countered with a question.

“Yes. What is this one, the boss and the sexy secretary?” She faked a smile. Just like the last few times they were together, when she faked being satisfied with Eric’s performance. If he only knew her sounds of delight were the result of her fantasizing about Sean.

He kissed the side of her neck while moving his hands up the side of her body inside her blouse, and gently caressing her breasts. She blurted out, “I want to get married.” He continued caressing her breasts and she repeated her statement. “I said, I want to get married.”

He removed his hand. She thought to herself, he better burn that memory in his mind, because that’s the last time his hand would have the privilege of touching any part of her. He stepped back and she turned around to face him.

“Married? Where is this coming from?” he asked.

“You said, if at anytime I wanted to get married, all I had to do was say it and you’d make it happen. Well, I’m saying it. I want to get married.”

“I can’t marry you.”

“Why not?”

“I’m already married.”

“I know and you said it would only take minutes to change that once I was ready.”

He turned and started toward the sofa. “Kyla, I can’t.”

“Is there a reason why you can’t marry me?”

“I thought you were fine with our arrangement?”

“The other night made me realize, I want more. I want to be married. What’s the problem, don’t you love me?”

“Yeah, but I…”