Page 61 of Real Love

He picked up the empty container and walked over to the garbage can. On the way back to his seat he whispered, “If I was the one you were having sex with, your friends wouldn’t have to ask if you’re satisfied. They’d see it on your face.” She swallowed hard. “Let’s go, it’s getting late.” She stood up and he followed her to the sidewalk and flagged a taxi.

They stood on the sidewalk silent, smiling at each other. A few minutes passed before a taxi stopped in front of them. He opened the door and helped her inside. She started to scoot over and, he closed the door. “Aren’t you getting in?” she asked.


“What about tomorrow?”

“I’ll call you in the morning and let you know. Good night.” He handed her a twenty dollar bill. “This should cover it.” He tapped the side of the door and the car pulled away. He watched the car roll down the street, hoping she’d turn around, but she didn’t. He turned and headed in the opposite direction. A few minutes into his walk, his cell phone rang. He recognized the ring tone, “Fever.” The beat and words summed up Kyla perfectly. “Hello.” He felt himself smiling.

“Are you punishing me?” she asked with a slight giggle in her voice.

“No, I just…”

“And tomorrow?”

“That might not be a good idea.”



“Think I’m going to attack you?”

“Maybe it’s the other way around.” Playing along with her.


“Or, maybe Simon has other plans.”

She laughed. “Well, tell Simon I will be sure to give him more notice next time.”

“I’ll be sure to relay your apology. How about dinner Friday?”


“The boyfriend?”

“Yeah.” The regret in her voice was beginning to show.

“Okay then, what about brunch on Saturday?”

“Only if you bring Simon.”


“Good night.”

“Good night.” She pressed the button to end the call. She was intrigued and a little more smitten than before. She wasn’t used to being around a gentleman. Eric had class and style, but he wasn’t very affectionate and considerate.

She kept replaying Sean’s comment and her answer. She couldn’t really remember the last time Eric had satisfied her. Even before she began hanging out with Sean, the feelings of disconnection with Eric were surfacing. Her response to Sean’s question may not have been proper but it was honest. Since her blow up with Eric a few weeks ago, the passion tank had been a little low. There was a time when she believed Eric to be the best lover she ever had. Things were changing. A part of her thought maybe Eric was growing tired of her, or even worse, maybe he was developing feelings for his wife. Whatever the problem, it all seemed to stem from the time she began seeing Sean.

The car stopped and she walked the half block to her building replaying Sean’s statement, “If you were having sex with me, the amount of pleasure would show on your face.” She smiled and thought, wow, I’m sure it would.

Chapter 30

KYLA WAS PONDERING HER FRIENDSHIP with Sean. This was the first time she had a guy friend that wasn’t trying to get her into bed. Instead, she was the one trying to get Sean into bed. She had tried every trick she knew and he still wasn’t giving in. She was beginning to question her sensuality. In the past, all she had to do was smile and sway her hips and any man she wanted was hers. Not Sean. He wasn’t looking at her body, he was looking at her heart, which she didn’t understand.

Since he introduced her to his friends she felt now was the perfect time to tell Sean about Eric…but how? Instead of meeting at their usual spot for coffee, Kyla suggested Sean meet her at a little place on Hurbert and Greenwich.