Page 62 of Real Love

She was nervous about her coffee date. Sitting at the back of the restaurant waiting for Sean, Kyla quickly gulped down a glass of champagne hoping to calm her nerves. She sat staring at the door, waiting for Sean to walk in. The sound of her feet tapping under the table drowned out her pounding heart. She looked up and saw Sean walking toward her. She studied every inch of him, trying to burn his image in her memory in case this was the last time she saw him. He sat down and they smiled at each other. He looked around the restaurant assessing the surroundings.

“Interesting choice. Why did you want to meet here?”

She signaled for the server to bring coffee and took a deep breath trying to find the right words to answer his question.

“I heard when you have bad news to tell someone you care about, it’s best to do it at a place you don’t like. Because once you share the bad news you’ll always associate it with that place. And if it’s a place you like, you’ll never want to go there again, because you’ll always remember the bad news.”

“Do you have some bad news to tell me?”


“Then just tell me.”

She closed her eyes, exhaled and blurted out, “My boyfriend is married.”


“My boyfriend is married.”

“I heard you.” The silence was thick. Sean sat still staring at her, not blinking and not speaking.

“Say something.”

He finally blinked. “I knew you were keeping something from me. Here’s the funny part. I thought the boyfriend was your way of telling me you were married. I never…”

“I’m sorry but I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“You just say it.”

“I’m sorry. I like you and I couldn’t continue seeing you without telling you everything.” She waited for a response. “Say something.” She reached into her bag, pulled out a twenty dollar bill and placed it on the table. “Okay then.” She stood up.

“Sit down,” he said sternly. The sound of those two words rolling off his lips scared her. “I said, sit down.”

She was frozen in her tracks. Sean had never spoken to her like that. She looked around to see if anyone was looking at them and slowly sat back down, tightly holding her bag. No man had ever shown so much anger towards her. She wasn’t quite sure how to react. He looked at her, processing the information she had just shared. He took a sip of his coffee wishing it had something a little stronger in it.

“Sean, please say something.”

“I’m trying to figure out why my beautiful, smart, friend is doing something so stupid.”

“Did you just call me stupid?”

“No, I asked why are you doing such a stupid thing.”

She squirmed in her seat, trying to figure out the best answer that wouldn’t make him angrier. “He wasn’t married when we started dating.”

“I don’t understand.”

“He got married a couple of years ago.”

“I’m sorry, I’m trying to understand.”

“When I met him, he was single.”

“What happened?”

“He thought it looked better for his practice if he were married.”
