Page 5 of Real Love

He crushed his lips against hers as he slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her to his chest. Her breath caught slightly as he buried his other hand deep into her thick black hair. The heat from his fingers singed her scalp, sending a heat surge down her body that caused her to almost lose her balance. The five-inch Louboutin pumps now felt like a bad choice. He pulled her closer, forcing her to share a dangerous kiss.

She dropped her bag, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into her space. She opened her mouth slightly, giving him permission to take this passionate game to the next level. He slid his tongue deep inside her mouth, exploring and teasing her. He pulled her closer and kissed her harder. Suddenly, she broke the kiss and slapped him. He rubbed his jaw and smiled.

She picked up her bag, adjusted her clothes and stood staring at him. She wiped the sides of her mouth, put on her sunglasses and started towards the door.

“I’ll pick you up at six thirty, and we can pick up where we left off.”

She grabbed the brushed steel knob and stopped. “I won’t be ready until seven.” She opened the door and left.

Chapter 4

It was six twenty and Olivia was dressed and waiting. She just knew Eric was going to ignore her directive not to pick her up until seven and pick her up at six thirty. His adamant defiance intrigued her. She liked his backbone and found it a little sexy. However, any man dating her knew she expected certain things. If Eric knew her as well as he claimed he did, he would know she considered a man late if he wasn’t at her doorstep at the designated time. If he booked a date for six thirty, he should be ringing her doorbell at that time. Not just entering the lobby at six thirty.

Her last long term companion, Jeffrey Cameron, learned that lesson the hard way. The only reason she gave him a second chance was because she had heard he was good in bed. After a few rides on the society merry go round, she rode Jeffrey and he didn’t disappoint. They lasted about a year. Once she helped him with his career, she grew bored, and dumped him. Now he’s married to a boring woman, expecting twins.

She looked at the crystal Tiffany clock…six twenty-nine. She stood up and started toward the intercom, but a knock on the door stopped her. The nerve of Eric showing up unannounced. She walked over to the door, looked out the peep hole and then opened the door.

“Good evening, Miss Bennett. We were told not to deliver these to you until six thirty.” She stepped to the side and watched the middle aged concierge struggle with the extremely large floral fantasy. “Where would you like these?”

She was dumbfounded at the site of her favorite red French tulips en masse. She loved the way the flowers expressed themselves as they began to open. It reminded her of dancers contorting their bodies as they moved to music.

“Miss Bennett, this is heavy.”

“I’m sorry. Put them on the dining table. Thank you.” She watched the concierge put the flowers on the dark mahogany dining table and let out a deep sigh.

“Forgive me. I don’t think I’ve ever had to carry a bouquet that heavy,” he joked.

“Is there a card, Clyde?”

“Yes, Miss.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a simple black envelope and handed it to her.

She took the card out, read it and turned it over. “Is this it?”


“What florist delivered these?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Excuse me?”

“It must be a new florist, or one not in the neighborhood. They were delivered by two delivery men and one driver.” She looked at the arrangement and that didn’t surprise her. If anything, it shocked her that Clyde was able to bring the arrangement up by himself.

“Two men?”

“One was carrying the flowers, and the other was holding the door. Strange thing, the one holding the door, wasn’t dressed like a delivery man.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was dressed in a nice suit. In fact, he’s the one who gave me the envelope.”

“Where is he?”

“He left.” She looked at the card again. “Should I tell the driver you’re ready?”

“I didn’t request a car for tonight.”

“Your escort did.”