Page 4 of Real Love

He surveyed her body, studying her language. Her body was speaking volumes. She wanted him. He sat still, observing her. She looked everywhere but at him. Finally, she looked at her watch. "I've been sitting here for five minutes and you've yet to ask me a question."

He smiled. "Why are you here?"

"Not the question I thought you'd ask."

"What did you think I was going to ask?"

”Would you like some coffee? How did I find you? How I figured out your last name? How I knew you were a therapist?"

"Why would I ask what I already know."

"So you're saying you knew I would be here?” She finally looked at him.


"Presumptuous of you.” She tapped her fingers on the arm of the beige wool sofa.

"Is it?"

"Don't try to analyze me."

"Is that what you think I'm doing?"

"No. I think you're trying to figure me out."

“Isn’t that the same thing?” He was well trained and could play her game all afternoon.

She got up and walked around his office taking note of the objects detailing his history and personality. “Columbia and Brown. Interesting.”

“How so?”

“You strike me as more of a Florida State kind of guy.”

He knew she said that to get a rise out of him. Her little game was doing things to him. He was either going to take her on his sofa, or he was going to end this game and head over to La Porte Noir.

“Florida State.” He nodded. “It’s a good school, but I wanted to study, not party.”

“I see.” She looked at her watch. “Are you going to ask me out?”

“Is that what you want?” He remained cool.

She walked over to the sofa, picked up her bag and started toward the door. He jumped up and stood in front of her. “Excuse me.” She turned around and he grabbed her wrist, and felt her pulse racing. She turned around and looked him in the eye. “Let go of me.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Let go of me Dr. King.”

He stepped closer and whispered. “Why did you come here?”

Her body was starting to betray her. Her heart was racing and she could barely breathe. As much as she wanted to move, she couldn’t. It was as if her feet were nailed to the bland brown carpeting.

Olivia had never been with a man like Eric. The men who chased her were very vanilla. She had grown tired of being courted by safe, rich guys. She was ready for a little fun and excitement. Eric excited her and made her feel things she had never felt.

“Let go of me.”

He smiled, tightened his grip and shook his head. “Not until you tell me why you came here.”

She slowly broke out of his grasp, tucked the large black Tom Ford leather clutch under her arm, and held her head high. “If I have to tell you, then you’re not the man I thought you were. And you’re definitely not a therapist I would recommend to my worst friend or best enemy.”