Page 206 of Real Love

“That’s my wife’s lipstick.” They both smiled.

“Your wife?”

“Yeah, she’s pretty hot. She’s got these incredible thick legs,” he glided his hand along her thighs as he spoke. “I’ve seen hints of them, but I’m looking forward to when I can fully see them.” He eased his hand under her dress and glided his hand along her legs up her behind, pulling her close.

“Oooo,” she pulled back.

“What’s wrong?”

“Your belt buckle.”

He stepped back. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she brushed the side of his face. “I’m going to shower and change.”

He kissed her and walked out, closing the door behind him.

She opened her closet and pulled out the Barneys bag and walked across the hall. She gently knocked on the guest room door. A few seconds later Sean opened the door and she handed him the bag. “What’s this?”

“A wedding present.”

“When did you…”

“When I got the ring. It’s a little something I thought you might like,” she confessed.

“Is it okay to open it?”


He placed the bag on the dresser, lifted out the tissue wrapped item, and carefully unwrapped it. He held up the grey silk robe, smiling. “Baby, this is nice, thank you.” He kissed her.

“There’s more.”

He reached inside the bag and pulled out the box and lifted the lid. “Slippers.” He looked at her and his smile disappeared. “I feel bad because I don’t…I mean I did, but its…”

“I don’t want you to feel bad. This isn’t your wedding gift, it’s a little something I thought you might like to wear on our wedding night.”

“I will and it’s my favorite color.”

“I know.” He reached inside the bag, fishing. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for the bottoms.”

“Honey, I don’t think you’ll…”

“My bad.” His smile returned.

She kissed him. “That’s okay.” She walked out and closed the door behind her.

She walked back to her bedroom, picked up her bouquet lying on the bed, placed it in water, and set the vase on the night table. She lit the candles she had around the room, turned the bed down and sprinkled some parfum scented body powder on the sheets. When she got Sean’s robe, she also picked up a little something for herself. She knew that once she returned from her trip, she wouldn’t have much time to go shopping.

After her shower, she stood in front of the mirror admiring herself. She covered herself in CoCo, Sean’s favorite parfum and slipped on the beautiful cream silk and lace robe. She wanted everything to be special for him. She stood still, lost in her thoughts. Sean was the only man she had shared her apartment with, her sanctuary as she called it. In all the years she was with Eric, she never allowed him entry to her home. Keeping her boyfriends away was her way of controlling the relationship. From the moment she let Sean inside her sanctuary as a friend, she didn’t realize she had also let him into her heart.

Sean knew everything about her and had free rein in her home. Not only had she made room for him and Simon in her heart, she’d also made room for them in her home. Making love to Sean wasn’t only the beginning of their marriage, it was the start of her new life. She never thought she was capable of loving a man. She thought she was destined to be like the rest of the women in her family…the other woman only good for sharing a bed with. The woman he fed the lies to, who was left to die alone, regretting her choices. That’s who she was. Now, she was Mrs. Sean Prescott, a new creation with a clean slate, ready to live the life she was destined to live.

However, God doesn’t always play by our rules and tonight’s impromptu wedding wasn’t part of her new life plan. But here she was, standing next to her bed preparing to spend the night with

her husband. She’d pretended to be calm when Sean was talking about her body, but when he eased his hand along her thighs and behind, she felt her heart lodge in her throat. She felt like she did the first time she made love…scared, excited, nervous, not quite sure what to expect. However, she also felt pressure to perform. Sean hadn’t been with a woman in a long time, and she didn’t want to disappoint him. “God, You made this happen tonight, so I’m counting on You to make it a memorable experience for both of us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”