Page 205 of Real Love


DeeDee hugged Kyla and whispered, “I knew you’d do the right thing.”

Chapter 74

SEAN AND KYLA EXITED MIKE and Dee Dee’s building, walking hand in hand, east on West Seventy-Second Street. They stopped at the corner of Central Park West and waited for the light to change. Kyla stole a glance at Sean and he smiled. The light changed and they crossed the street still not saying anything. The life of the city going on around them seemed to disappear against the excitement going on in their lives. They went to dinner as an engaged couple about to venture on their first vacation and business trip together, and left dinner as husband and wife.

“Maybe we should have kept the car?” Sean finally broke the silence.

“No, it’s a beautiful night for a walk.”

He looked down at the bouquet in her hand. “Lilacs.”

“The first flowers you sent me, were…”

“White lilacs,” he finished her sentence.

“Now what?” she asked rendering a smile.

“I’m not sure. We can go to a hotel or your place or my place.”

“Definitely not a hotel,” she quickly replied.

“Why not?”

“Because, there are things I need and…”

“Okay, we’ll go back to your place.” She didn’t respond. “Okay, then it’s my place.”

“No,” she quickly responded.

He stopped walking and pulled her to the side. “What do you want to do?” She looked at him and didn’t say anything. He stepped closer and repeated his question. “What…do you…want…to do?”

She softly replied, “I want to make love to my husband.”

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Your place.”

The heat of his breath saying those words, sent a chill through her body. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. He took her hand and walked back across the street and hailed a taxi. Normally, it took a while for them to get a taxi. But tonight, their wedding night, the minute he put his hand up, a taxi stopped. They got inside and sat apart, holding hands while not saying a word, not looking at each other, but staring out the window.

The taxi pulled up in front of Kyla’s building and they both were nervous about facing Jerome. He was always able to read when there was something going on between them. They walked inside and were surprised to see Jerome wasn’t working tonight. They rode up to her apartment silent, still holding hands. They walked inside and the quiet of the apartment intensified the moment. Sean closed the door and watched as Kyla walked down the hall. He placed his coat on the chair in the living room, walked down the hall, and stood in the doorway of her bedroom.

He watched as she took her coat off and laid it on the bed. “May I come in?”


He stepped closer and slid his finger down her back followed by a kiss. “Your back is amazing. I love watching you walk in front of me.”

She turned to face him and put her arms around his neck. “Really?”

He pulled her closer, letting his hands glide down her back, resting on her behind. “And your behind…mmm, that behind caused me a couple of repentant nights a few months ago.”

“How so, Mr. Prescott?” She smiled.

He brought his lips to her ear and whispered, “That’s a single man’s secret.”

He kissed her neck and moved his mouth along her shoulder and back to her mouth. Covering her mouth, he kissed her harder. Kyla liked kissing Sean. It was the one fantasy that far exceeded her expectations. He grabbed her lips in between his, drawing her in closer. They stood, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing like wild teenagers.

A little while into their marital make out session, she broke the kiss. “Uhmm,” she reached up to wipe her lipstick from his mouth and he stopped her.