My problem? I want to know what it’s like to have that filthy mouth all over me. Is that wrong?

Yes, probably.

Okay fine. It is totally wrong. But that’s the problem with things—and people—that are wrong. Bad.

You’re drawn to them, even when you know you shouldn’t be. That’s part of the allure. Either you want to be corrupted, or you want to tame the bad boy.

I don’t think Caleb needs taming, but he definitely needs to grow the hell up. He can’t be a jock frat boy for the rest of his life. Deep down, he knows this. And that’s why I think he’s so much extra all the time. He’s living it up while he can, before he has to get serious and actually live life as a responsib

le adult.

“You like him, huh,” she says out of the blue.

I glance up, realizing I was lost in my thoughts for a moment too long. “What do you mean?”

“Caleb. You like him.” She nods, like the Caleb expert that she is. “I get it. He’s…magnetic. Being with him feels like you’re a VIP member and you were invited to his exclusive party. He’s a good time.”

She just described him perfectly.

“He’s ridiculous,” I say, hating how bitter I sound.

She nods. Laughs. “That he is. But his ridiculousness is also attractive. He’s completely over the top, but deep down, he’s a decent guy.”

Like all of them. His friends are decent guys, some more than others. Namely, Tony. That guy is the most decent out of our group of friends.

“I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore,” I say. “And he’s kept his distance, which I appreciate. But I also…miss him.”

Sympathy flits across her face. “He’s easy to miss.”

Yes. He definitely is.

“You should go for it,” she continues. “See what happens between you two.”

“I don’t settle for just one guy,” I say wryly.

“Uh huh, because you haven’t found the right one yet,” she says knowingly. She’s smug and fresh in lust with a guy. Of course, she believes she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to relationships.

“Settling down—scares me,” I confess.

“You two might be perfect for each other then,” she says. “He’s scared to commit too. At least, that’s what he used to tell me.”

We stare at each other, and I note our similar features. He has a type, that’s for sure. I get why he couldn’t quit her. She was madly in love with him and he took advantage of her for years.

She doesn’t need him anymore. She’s found someone else.

He’s completely free.

And while I know he’s not the right guy for me—he can’t be, there are so many things working against us—I’m still tempted. She’s out of the picture forever, and that’s part of the reason why I stepped back. I couldn’t be in the middle of their fucked-up relationship, even though I never was purposely.

He’d draw me in. I don’t think he did it on purpose either. It just…happened. We’re drawn to each other.

We always have been.

“Are you really happy with Carson?” I ask her softly.

She nods, her eyes glowing. “So happy. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“That’s so great, Baylee,” I tell her, and I mean every damn word.