“You’ll find your prince charming someday too, Gracie,” she says. “And you never know. He could be wrapped up in a douchey football player package.”

We burst out laughing, and in this moment, I’m so glad I asked her to meet with me so we could clear the air.

I could be friends with this girl. I want to be friends with her.

“We need to stay in contact,” I tell her. “I’ll be student teaching in the fall, but I don’t want to lose touch with you.”

“That sounds good. We should hang out. All of us,” she suggests. “I know you and your friends were uncomfortable around me sometimes, and I get why. I was in this awkward position that Caleb put me in.”

“Well, forget that guy. Let’s all get together soon. Ava is coming home in a few weeks,” I say. “You two were friends in high school, right?”

“Sort of. Not really,” she admits, her expression vaguely pained. “We were on the cheer team for a while together, but I hung out with the mean girls, and Ava barely tolerated me. I associated with some…terrible people.”

I know exactly who she’s talking about. I’ve heard the stories about Cami what’s-her-name. “Well, that particular bitch isn’t in your life anymore, right?”

Baylee’s cheeks turn pink and she nods. “I haven’t talked to her since the summer after we graduated high school.”

“Perfect. I’m going to plan something. Hayden and I can have a little party,” I say.

“Sounds good,” she says, her expression grateful. “You’re so nice, Gracie. I know I probably acted like a bitch around you sometimes, and I’m sorry for all that. I was just jealous and insecure.”

“I hope you don’t feel like that around me anymore. We should come together, not let some stupid boy push us apart,” I say. “Girl power, am I right?”

“For sure.” She nods firmly.

We chat for at least another thirty minutes before we finally part ways, giving each other a hug just outside the café. The moment I hop in my car, I’m on the phone, listening to it ring, anxious for him to pick up as I tap my foot on the floorboard.

“G-dog,” Eli Bennett greets me when he answers.

I roll my eyes though he can’t see me. The only reason he calls me that is thanks to Caleb, though he normally only calls me G. “I’m in,” I tell him in greeting.

He’s quiet for a moment. “What exactly are you referring to?”

“I’ll move in with you guys. I’ll be your roommate,” I tell him, hoping he remembers our conversation from last week.

While I couldn’t stop thinking about it, at first, I thought Eli was joking when he asked if I was interested in sharing an apartment with him.

And Caleb.

Why would I willingly put myself in a position living with a guy who irritates the hell out of me yet makes me want to jump him, all at once? But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. I like Eli. I can tolerate Caleb. And the rent is cheap.

This is why I’m agreeing. Because of the reasonable rent. That’s what I tell myself, at least.

“No shit? Really, Gracie? I figured you’d tell us no,” he says.

“Well, I’m saying yes. I think it’ll be fun,” I tell him, wincing the moment the word fun leaves my lips. It will be fun living with Eli because that guy is a good time, and he’s very firmly attached, thank you very much.

It’s the other roommate I’ve just committed myself to that’s got me worried.

Yes, Caleb is fun, but there was so much—more brewing between the two of us before I cut him off. Something I wanted to explore, even while knowing I’d get fucked in the process.

Literally and figuratively.

“You’ll barely see us,” Eli promises. “We’re both busy as fuck. Caleb is going back to work at the resort for the summer, and when I’m not at practice, I’ll be with Ava the rest of the time. We’ll stay out of your hair.”

“I’m not worried about you guys. And I need to find a summer job too,” I tell him.

“If you don’t mind the drive, you should go work at one of the resorts up at the lake. Work in one of the restaurants. The tips are killer,” Eli encourages.