Hayden texts me as I’m doing my hair, pulling it into two tight braids so that’ll it stay out of my face completely tonight. I don’t care if I end up looking twelve.

Hayden: I can’t take you to work, but Gracie can!

Me: Oh no! Are you okay?

Hayden: Turns out I have a dentist appointment I completely forgot about. They called me and left a voicemail confirming it yesterday and I didn’t check my voicemail until an hour ago. Oops. I’m sitting in the waiting room now.

Me: Is Gracie cool with taking me? I could find another ride if I have to.

Hayden: No, she’s fine with it! She adores you. You know this.

I smile. I suppose I do. I adore Gracie too. I adore the both of them.

Me: Have fun at the dentist!

Hayden: It’s just a cleaning but ugh. LOL See ya sweetie!

I can’t help but think I have good friends.

I’m bounding down the stairs when I get a text from Gracie.

Gracie: I’m in your apartment parking lot, ready to take you to work.

Me: You’re the best! I’ll be right out.

I grab my purse and leave the apartment, glad no one is around that I have to talk to so I can escape quickly. As I make my way toward Gracie’s Honda Civic, I contemplate what I should say. If I should tell her about what happened between Jackson and me last night. Though she might immediately assume he’s going to do something terrible, which we all know he’s capable of. And he’s capable of doing some crappy stuff. Like possibly ignoring me.

God, I hope not.

Why am I thinking such negative thoughts anyway? Gracie will be excited for me. And neither of us should automatically assume he’s going to do something terrible. He’s not a horrible human.

Most of the time.


I’ve never really talked to Gracie alone for a long period of time. It’s always Hayden and Gracie together. The drive to Doghouse Grill isn’t long. Ten minutes if traffic is bad. But we’re early, and we have time to chat in her car if she wants to.

I might want to.

As I get closer, Gracie spots me and waves, hitting the unlock button so I can open the passenger side door. I slide into her cool vehicle and shut the door, smiling over at her.

“Thank you so much for driving me to work.”

“It is no problem.” She glances around, peering out the windshield. “This complex is so nice.”

“Thanks. I like it here. I feel safe.”

“I love that it’s gated. Our complex isn’t. My mom had a fit about that, but we’re on the second floor, so that calmed her down some.” Gracie rolls her eyes as she puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking space. “She’s super overprotective sometimes, and I’m almost twenty-one for God’s sake.”

“My parents are really overprotective too,” I admit, gnawing on my lower lip, dying to blurt out that I messed around with Jackson last night.

But I keep the words locked in, waiting for the right moment.

“They can’t help it, I guess.” She glances over at me as she waits for traffic to pass before pulling out onto the street. “You like working at Doghouse Grill?”

“It’s okay. Great tips. Really fast-paced, which helps the time fly by. I see lots of college students,” I tell her.

“Cute boys?”