“Yes,” I say with a smile. “Lots of those.”

“I should hang out there for a while tonight then. I need a new man in my life,” she says with a sigh.

“What happened to Franz?” He seemed sweet. Not very talkative, though. Tall, with a hint of dork. I love that Gracie doesn’t discriminate when it comes to guys. She’s attracted to all types.

“We were bored with each other,” she admits. “We couldn’t really make conversation. And yes, sometimes I’m not in a relationship for conversation, but I do want to be able to talk to the guy before and after the good stuff, you know what I mean?”

I have zero experience with that, but I nod like I do.

“Were you attracted to him sexually?” I ask.

“Sort of. He was a decent kisser. But that’s about as far as it got before I realized maybe he wasn’t the guy for me.” She sends me a quick look. “Hayden says I’m addicted to the chase. Once I catch them, I’m over it.”

“Maybe you are,” I say gently. I definitely think Hayden is onto something.

“That sucks. Makes me sound shallow.”

“I’m thinking it’s more you just haven’t found the right guy yet,” I say, not wanting her to believe she’s shallow. She’s not. Gracie has substance. She’s smart and fun and she wants to be a teacher and work with little kids. That’s awesome. So what if she hasn’t figured out what she wants in a guy? This is why she keeps dating all sorts of them.

She’s trying to find the perfect man for her.

“I suppose,” she says, sounding weary. “My mom says you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.”

“Sounds like your mom is wise.” I pause. “Or she really likes clichés.”

Gracie laughs. “Both. I don’t know. I’m starting to think I need to go on a man ban and focus on my path to discovery. A little self-help is always good for the soul.”

“A man ban?” I laugh. “I like the way that sounds.”

“You should join me. I’m sure you’d benefit from a man ban too, since Jackson always strings you along.” She presses her lips together, regret on her face. “That sounded mean. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s true.” Until last night. “Here’s where I say I have something to tell you.”

“Oooh, what is it?”

“You can’t tell anyone.”

She holds up her hand. “Scout’s honor.”

“Not even Hayden.”

“What? I don’t like keeping secrets from her! More like it’s impossible for me to keep secrets from her.”

I sigh. “Seriously, Gracie. This is big. And I want to be the one who tells Hayden.”

I’m terrified of what Hayden might say though. And Gracie too. But the cat is halfway out of the bag so I don’t have a choice.

“What is it?”

Here we go.

“Jackson came over to my apartment last night and…” I don’t finish the sentence.

Gracie’s quiet for a moment. The silence is a killer. I’m literally squirming in my seat.

“And what?” she finally asks.

“We kind of…hooked up.”