Nothing felt better than saving a life. It was its own kind of high, the kind you couldn’t find by doing anything else. Not even Drew.

I mean, sure, spending the entire day naked in Drew’s arms was its own special kind of feeling, but even that didn’t beat the pleasure I felt after telling Todd’s parents that he would be all right, probably would live long enough to become a sullen teenager who gave them premature gray hair. They laughed and hugged me tight, thanked me profusely. It was a good start to the day.

In fact the whole day was uncharacteristically good. There were health issues as always, because it was a medical center and hospital, but nothing was so life-threatening that death was on the table. The only odd thing about my day was that I hadn’t seen Drew once, which was less than I saw him when he was actively avoiding me. It was a good thing, not seeing him today. We both needed distance or else some nosy nurse with penchant for gossip hunting would figure us out. After yesterday, and more orgasms than I’d ever had in a day, there was no way we’d be able to keep any real distance.

It was impossible. Not that I was getting any ideas about Drew—I wasn’t—it was difficult to deny that there was some weird spark, some strange connection between us. We came together the way lighting struck the earth, fast and suddenly. And wild. So incredibly wild, that when I was with Drew I felt like I was outside of myself, like I was high on narcotics or operating on another plane. I couldn’t describe it, only to say that it was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced.


A lukewarm shower in the locker room was the perfect antidote to thoughts and fantasies of Drew in the middle of the work day. I wrapped my hair up and grabbed another pair of scrubs to get me through the day. I had a few consultations, but most people didn’t mind the scrubs, it made them feel more comfortable talking to a person trying to cut into their child.

My phone rang just as I exited the locker room and I took a deep breath before answering. “Hi, Mom.”

“Baby girl. How did you know it was me?” She let out that husky laugh that hard won the hearts of men all over the world. “I was just thinking about you and I knew if I didn’t call you, I would never hear from you and so here we are. How are you, honey?”

“I’m fine, Mom. Just finished surgery, oh!” I slammed into a hard wide chest with a familiar scent and gasped. My gaze started at my hand, resting between two well-formed chest muscles and slid up to a neck and jaw filled with a five o’clock shadow at two in the afternoon. Lush lips that had touched every inch of my body, brought me hours and hours of pleasure. “Sorry.” The word came out breathless because that’s how I felt, that’s how it was as I put some distance between us and took in the sight of Drew in scrubs. They looked tailor-made for his muscular thighs and thick biceps.

Drew’s gaze filled with heat and raked over me. My nipples tightened with desire and I sucked in a deep breath.

“Zola, are you there? Are you all right?”

Mom. Oh, Mom! “Sorry Mom, I just ran into someone. Literally.” I couldn’t take my eyes off him, which was a shame because each trip to his face only heightened my desire for him.

“You good?” Drew mouthed the words and I really wish he hadn’t because it forced me to focus on his lips now.

I shook my head, I knew there was a sensual gleam in my eyes as I ate Drew up one last time. “I’m good. See you later, Dr. Wright.” I don’t know where I found the strength, but my wobbly legs stepped back and around Drew, and walked away. I didn’t even look back because I was a professional, not a horny woman being ruled by her lust. “Mom?”

“Honey, you really need to watch where you’re going. People might not trust a klutz to be their surgeon.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Mom.”

“I only say these things because I love you, honey. You worked hard to become a surgeon, and I’d hate for people to shortchange you just because you have equilibrium issues.”

I smiled at her words and my voice softened at her compliment. “Thanks, Mom. How are you and Dad?”

“Good. I just finished a wardrobe fitting for my new job.” Mom was a model from the age of fourteen when she roamed the catwalks of Paris, New York, Rome and Beijing. But she’d found her next act with small roles in TV and film, playing up her strengths which meant a lot of horror and action movies. But she seemed to enjoy the challenge.