“Congratulations, Mom. What’s the job?”

“I’m proud of this one, Zola.” She was feeling defensive and vulnerable.

“And I’m proud of you too, Mom. Tell me.”

“Okay, it’s a mini-series and I play the sexy witch who could be fifty or five hundred years old, it’s all a bit of a mystery. But I have a lot of information for those trying to figure out the mystery, so I’ll appear in every episode! Isn’t that exciting?”

“It is exciting, Mom. I’m so happy for you. So proud of you.”

“Really? I’m nervous, what if I forget my lines?”

“Just bat your eyelashes and apologize the way you do to Dad when you spend too much.”

She laughed that sexy, cultured laugh that had turned my mother into a sex icon. A sex symbol. “I do no such thing, Zola. How dare you spread such lies.”

I laughed and I felt happy that our relationship had improved so much after I left for college. I loved my parents, I really did, but it was difficult being compared to her or my stepfather, when they were so beautiful, and I was just me. “Sure you don’t Mom. But you should use that look in the unlikely chance that you forget your lines.”

“Thank you, baby girl. Now, I’m calling because your father and I want to come for a visit. We haven’t seen in you in ages and I’m sure Suzie could use some help with Gigi and Berna.”

“Now really isn’t a good time, Mom. Gavin isn’t here which means the place has minimal security, but with two infants and two celebrities in the house, well I don’t know much about all that to figure security out. Also, I have surgeries lined up nearly every day for the next five days and I wouldn’t be able to spend any real time with you.”

Mom’s sigh was disappointed. “Fine. I’ll talk to Gavin myself. It was good to hear your voice, Zola. Love you. Bye.”

I stared at the blank screen and smiled. Mom didn’t like to hear the word no, especially when she’d already formulated a plan. She probably had her bags packed with tons of designer gifts that would make for the most adorable twin photos.

“Falling down on the job?” Drew’s deep voice whispered in my ear and the words frightened me at first, and then sent arousal flooding my veins.

“No,” I finally managed to get out. “Dodging a parental visit.” I knew how that sounded, like I was a terrible daughter, and to an extent I was. “They come with the press and I’ve enjoyed being able to relax and live my life without worrying about the tabloids.”

Drew held his hands up defensively. “I’m not judging.”

“I know, but I also know how it sounds. I love my parents and I enjoy spending time with them. I just wish it didn’t come with all the extras.”

His smile spread slowly and I felt every inch it moved right between my thighs. “What a fancy live you lead, Zola.”

I laughed. “More like once burned, twice shy.”

He looked as if he wanted to ask more, but thankfully he didn’t. “Are you busy tonight? If you say no, I’ll add dinner to the night’s menu.”

“Dinner sounds good. Eight?”

He licked his lips and nodded. “Eight sounds good.”

“I’ll be dessert.”

Drew nodded and then froze as my words became clear. His gaze heated and stared at me until I squirmed. “I always did have a bit of a sweet tooth. Until eight,” he whispered the words in my ear, letting his lip brush against the shell of my ear before he took a step back and walked away.

Until eight, indeed.


At eight o’clock on the dot, the doorbell rang and I smiled. I shouldn’t have smiled. This wasn’t a date, it was a sex hookup that happened to include dinner. Why I’d offered dinner, I couldn’t say and after hours of reflection I still hadn’t figured it out. So I decided it was unimportant and focused on dinner.

When I opened the door and took in the sight of Zola, wearing a figure hugging green dress that just begged to be peeled off her. One tug of my finger and that little bow that was tied at her waist would separate the fabric, revealing whatever was underneath. In my mind it was black lace and those panties that hit mid-booty.

“Zola, you look good enough to eat.”

She laughed, drawing my attention to her throat. “And you look delicious, Drew. Delicious Drew.” That sexy laughter drove me wild and I took a step forward, tugging her inside.


“Hey,” she shot back breathlessly, her lips curled into a sexy little smile that was like a shot of fire straight to my veins.

I couldn’t wait another minute to get my mouth on hers, so I didn’t. She tasted like pineapples and peaches, a flavor combination I never would have guessed tasted so damn good. Zola melted in my arms, beneath my kiss, her hands found their way under my t-shirt. Her touch was warm and soft, the move so achingly slow that my hips bucked against her.