Page 35 of Rode Hard

“Mum,” Luke whispered.

Liam placed a hand on Luke’s arm and shook his head when Luke started to approach his mother. While I took it to mean, Liam didn’t think it was a good idea for them to speak to each other, I suspected it was more likely, Liam didn’t want them involved in a heated argument when the judge entered the room.

I pulled Luke back against me and whispered in his ear. “Not now, babe.”

He nodded his understanding and I kissed his cheek before Liam led him away to a table off to the right. I selected a seat behind them so Luke would feel me close by. Media filled the public gallery and cameras continued to click.

My fingers were laced together, my hands resting in my lap. I was beginning to sweat and my stomach was churning with nerves. I wasn’t sure my legs would hold me when the judge entered and we were all called to stand. Even though I was trembling, I did manage to stay upright.

When we were told to be seated, Luke stole a glance at me over his shoulder and I winked back at him.

The hour and a half which followed was like being trapped in a fucking nightmare. Luke’s father was brutal. I’d never imagined a man could tear his son apart publicly the way Mr Kelly did. There was a great deal of hatred spewing from his mouth. My knuckles turned white as I clenched my hands tightly in fists. I wanted to pummel the arsehole into mush. Like most of the town where I lived, I’d never liked the man, but my dislike now bordered on hate. As he stood speaking cruelly about the man I loved, I wanted to gather Luke in my arms and tell him how truly wonderful he was.

I watched Luke closely for any sign he was becoming distressed by what was being said. Liam patted his arm a couple of times and somehow my lover remained stoic despite what the garbage being spewed from his father’s mouth. I knew he had to be hurting, but I’d never been prouder of anyone in my life as I was of my lover at that time.

When it came time for Liam to argue Luke’s case, I felt like cheering. I’d hated seeing the pictures showing Luke beaten, bloodied, and bruised but they certainly presented a powerful case against Mr Kelly. The police were called to the stand and no matter how much Mr Kelly tried to discredit them, accuse them of being biased, and spouting falsehoods to help his son, the men and woman didn’t waver in their convictions. Their respect for Luke was obvious and they had no hesitation in calling Mr Kelly on his lies.

The judge sat listening impassively. The thought occurred to me, he would make a good poker player because nothing in his expression let those in the room know what he was thinking. Now and again he’d ask a question or write something down. I was nervous as fuck but it did appear the case was leaning in our favor.

When Liam announced he was done, Mr Kelly spat out a few more scathing words and the proceedings came to a pause. All we needed now was the judge’s decision. He adjourned the case for one hour while he deliberated and decided on a verdict. He left by using the same door he’d first entered through.

Luke sprang to his feet and rushed into my open arms. I held him close while we stood, not saying a word until Liam tapped my arm. I moved Luke to my side but kept him against me with an arm around his waist.

“How do you think it went?” I asked. Although to me it seemed cut and dried, the lawyer would see it from an unbiased point of view.

“We presented a very strong case with irrefutable evidence, but it all depends on how the judge sees it. He could believe Luke’s father attacked out of shock and disappointment, that it wasn’t malicious. He could hold it against Luke for not dealing with it privately.”

“Just like the media. What the fuck is wrong with people? Just because he’s a prominent lawyer, doesn’t mean the arsehole should be allowed to get away with beating the shit out of his son?”

Luke squeezed me tight. “It’s how it is, sweetheart. It’s why so many victims won’t bring their cases to court.”

“It’s wrong, people should pay for breaking the law.”

Luke kissed my cheek, and I heard the clicking of cameras, it didn’t bother me. I was proud to be Luke’s partner, lover, boyfriend, and they could tell the whole fucking world for all I cared.

“Yes, they should which is why I’m here.”

I looked to Liam. “Won’t the judge take into account how Mr Kelly spoke today? I mean, the hatred was palpable.”