Page 34 of Rode Hard

Within moments a waitress approached and placed a carafe of water and two glasses in front of us.

After she moved away, Luke spoke. “I want to get this over with so we can move on with our lives. I really don’t care what happens to the prick. I’ll have proved that I’m every bit as much a man as he is. He thinks because I’m gay, I’m weak.”

I gathered Luke’s hand and kissed his knuckles. “I disagree with you.”

“What?” Luke’s expression was shocked.

“You’re twice the man your father is. You have honour and compassion, two qualities he certainly doesn’t have. You’re one of the strongest men I know.”

“Thank you.”

“For what, telling you the truth?”

“I love you so very much. I’m so glad you decided to come with me today.”

“There was never any doubt I’d be with you.” I leaned across the table and captured his lips, breaking away only when the waitress cleared her throat from beside us.

We sprang apart and I felt my face heat. When I glanced at my man, he was red in the face. We were both embarrassed at being caught in our very public display of affection.

The young lady placed our plates on the table in front of us. I’d ordered a steak and salad, Luke had chosen steak with baked vegetables. They both looked delicious. The waitress hovered near the table and I peered up at her waiting to hear what she wanted to say. It wasn’t what I expected.

“You look gorgeous together, so much in love. I hope I find love like yours one day.”

Luke and I thanked her and she left us to eat while she attended to others. The place was filling up fast. Office workers, I assumed from nearby, flooded in leaving no doubt it was lunch time.


Luke received a call from a court officer just after 1pm to say he was now required at the courthouse. The judge would be convening the case at 1.30pm. We stood, slipped on our coats, and I held Luke’s hand tightly as we crossed the road back to the courthouse. I could feel him trembling, his hand was heated and clammy. My man was nervous.

As we approached the entrance, I saw the gathering of media and my stomach clenched. The moment they spotted Luke, they descended on us like starving locusts. A microphone was shoved into Luke’s face while the whirring and clicking of cameras was relentless.

“Mr. Kelly, are you really going to go ahead with this case?”

“Mr. Kelly, why would you publicly accuse a prominent man like your father of beating you? Wouldn’t it be better for him to keep it between the two of you?”

“Mr. Kelly, don’t you think what your father did was a normal reaction to finding out his only son is a faggot?”

The last question had me seeing red. Arseholes. I was amazed they hadn’t attacked me, but had no doubt it would soon happen. I pulled Luke close to my side, pushed the cameras and microphones away, and hurried him inside.

An officer greeted us when we entered. Luke gave him his name and asked where we could wait so we wouldn’t be harassed by the media. After informing us, Luke’s lawyer – Liam Peters - wanted a few words, he led us to a small room off to one side. The lawyer stood when we entered and extended his hand to Luke. They shook before he turned, introduced himself to me, and we shook. A large table filled the rooms and we all sat so Liam could give Luke last minute instructions. I left the men to speak and sat quietly listening.

“Are you ready, any questions?” Liam asked.

“No, I just want this over and done with.”

“I understand. Your father is an imposing man, and a talented lawyer, it won’t be easy. I’ve watched him in court numerous times and it’s fairly obvious why he never loses.” He held his hand up when Luke opened his mouth to speak. “He’s going to lose this one. We have graphic photos, hospital records, and statements from your police colleagues. He can twist it any way he likes but the facts are irrefutable. I don’t want to sound like an arrogant prick like your father, but we’re not going to lose this case.”

Luke nodded.

“Let’s get in there and get this done.”

We all stood and headed into the courtroom next door. When we stepped through the large wooden doors, the first person I noticed was Luke’s father, seated at a table off to the left. His back was ramrod straight and he was as still as a statue. I felt Luke tense and he squeezed my hand. I turned to reassure him but noticed his focus was on a woman off to our left, not on his father.

The woman was beautiful, well dressed, and appeared much younger than I knew her to be, probably due to cosmetic surgery. She sat glaring at her son. I could feel the anger coming off her in waves and my own temper rose. How dare she blame her son for what his father had done.