Page 26 of Rode Hard

“Sit down, honey. I’m about to dish up lunch.”

The mouth-watering aromas in the kitchen assaulted my senses and caused my stomach to grumble in anticipation. Dad seated himself in his usual place at the head of the table and I sat at the other end. Lis and Seb sat on my left, mum’s place setting was on my right, the seat nearest dad.

Mum placed two large dishes of lasagna on the table before retrieving a huge bowl of salad and setting it down in the center. We all waited for her to sit before getting stuck into the delicious food.

While I helped myself to a large helping of lasagna, dad questioned me about the property. It was safe territory, and during our meal, conversation flowed freely. But as lunch came to an end, and we all finished eating, my nervousness ratcheted up and dad noticed. He sat back in his chair, tented his fingers and studied me, a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Okay, son. We’ve talked about the property, Wendy, the men, and what’s happening in town. I’m very proud of the progress you’ve made, but I know you’re not here to discuss the place and you’re doing a good job of dancing around whatever issue you have.”

“How do you know?”

“You could have told me how the place was going over the phone like you usually do. Even though I appreciate the updates, it’s no longer my property and the decisions are yours. It certainly doesn’t warrant a five hour drive out of the blue.” Dad lifted his eyebrow.

I felt my shoulders slump. “No, the property isn’t why I’m here.” I twisted the napkin in my hand without mercy.

“Spit it out, son. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is.”

I glanced around at my family, all eyes were fixed on my face. Watching me expectantly. I sucked in a deep breath and did as dad said, I spat it out.

“I’m gay and in love with a man I’ve known since school.”

The comments which followed floored me…

Mum – “finally.”

Dad – “well it’s about damn time.”

Lis – “I thought I was going to be an old woman before you finally said something.”

Seb – “huh? I thought you’d come down here to tell us something epic, not something we already knew.”

I was speechless. They’d all known?

Lis pushed her chair back and stood. “I’m glad you finally decided to trust us. I’ll fix dessert. Mum made pineapple upside down cake and we’re having it with vanilla bean ice cream.”

Seb stood and cleared the dishes from the table, the leftover lasagna and salad.

I gulped a long swallow of water and found my voice.

“You all knew?”

Dad nodded. “Of course we did, along with everyone in town and your men.”

“People in town know?” Okay, this was weird. I thought I’d hidden my sexual preference very well but obviously I’d been pathetic at concealing which way I swung. “Why didn’t any of you say something?”

Mum placed her hand over mine. “It wasn’t our place, honey. It was your decision to make when you were ready.”

“We just didn’t think it would take you this long. Why now?” Dad asked.

“Do you remember Luke Kelly?”

Dad nodded. “Yes, his father’s an arrogant prick.”

“Leith!” Mum chastized.

“Sorry, darlin’, but he is. What about Luke?”

“I’ve been in love with him since we were at school together, but I didn’t think he even knew I existed. A few weeks ago he turned up at the property, and after we talked, I invited him to move in. He stayed for a couple of days and things were great until we had words. He’s back at Parker’s place now.”

“Good one, baby brother. You finally get yourself a man and you ruin things.” Lis set dishes of cake and ice cream in front of our parents while Seb set one on the table before me. I waited, my mouth watering at the sight of my favorite dessert, while they grabbed their own and sat.

“I just hope I haven’t blown it completely.”

I explained about Luke’s coming out in between mouthfuls of delicious dessert. I described his beating and the rapidly approaching court case. By the time I’d finished speaking I noticed dad had relaxed back in his chair but the expression on his face could have melted ice. Nothing angered my father more than injustice.

Seb hadn’t grown up in Clearlea and didn’t know Luke or his father. “I’m still not seeing the problem with you and Luke.”

I explained about Luke’s father being a prominent, well connected lawyer. “He offered to pay his son off by buying him his own property if he’d agree to drop the case. Luke refused. He wants his father to pay for what he did. Luke asked me to attend court and support him. I said I couldn’t and we had a heated exchange.”