Page 27 of Rode Hard

Lis shouted at me. “You said no?” She swung toward our parents. “He said no!” She turned back to me. “You were raised better than that, Kyle, how could you turn your back on him? God, I can’t begin to imagine how he must feel.”

I felt ashamed, but in an attempt to justify my decision, I directed my explanation to dad. “It’ll be a circus. Press from all forms of media will want to cover the case, Mr Kelly is high profile and they’ll dig up everything they can. They’ll refer to Luke and I as gay lovers, partners. I couldn’t come out on the internet and in papers. I thought you didn’t know and refused to allow you to find out that way. So, I said no.”

Dad nodded. “So, why are you here?”

“I want to be there for him, but I needed you to know about me and our relationship. Although it’s non-existent at the moment. Our family name is going to be splashed across television, internet, and newspapers. I need to know you’re all okay with it. I love Luke with all my heart, and I want him back more than I’ve ever wanted anything, but I won’t risk losing any of you. If you’re not okay with this, I’ll find another way to gain his forgiveness—if he’ll ever speak to me again. I have to try and figure a way to get past his guard dog.”

Mum raised her eyebrows. “Guard dog?”

“Parker won’t let me near Luke. He says I’ve broken his heart and he won’t allow me to hurt him further.”

Mum appeared thoughtful before she spoke. “I remember when Luke was a boy, there was talk in town about how much time he spent at the Parker place. Rumor had it the man was more of a father to the boy than his real father was.”

“I can believe it, and from the way Luke speaks, he idolizes Parker.”

Lis glanced at the watch on her wrist. “We have to go and pick up Presley from kindy, how long are you staying?”

“A couple of nights, I’m heading back Wednesday to try and speak with Luke again. The court case is Friday and is second on the ticket. I phoned to check because the last time we spoke he talked about dropping the charges, he didn’t want to face his parents on his own. Parker must have convinced him not to and I’m glad. Mr Kelly needs to know his actions aren’t acceptable.”

We all stood, and I hugged and kissed Lis, before shaking hands with Seb. I walked them to the door and stood watching until their car disappeared from sight. When I returned to the kitchen to help mum clean up, she sent me into the living room to join dad.



Dad and I strolled in silence along the white sandy beach. Seagulls squawked overhead, others flocked nearby, following us, hoping for an edible handout. It wasn’t to be forthcoming but the birds persisted.

“Would you like me to give Parker a call for you, tell him what you want to discuss with Luke? The only alternative is, you go and see him at work.”

“No, I’d never do that. Not only would it embarrass him, it would make our situation so much worse. If you could give Mr. Parker a call I’d appreciate it.”

“Couldn’t hurt to try, I’ll call him tonight.”

“Thanks, dad.”

“What else is bothering you, I have a feeling Luke isn’t the only person on your mind.”

Dad knew me a lot better than I knew myself sometimes. I glanced up ahead and noticed a wooden bench, before suggesting we sit for a while. I did indeed have something else on my mind. After we sat, dad waited patiently for me to speak.

“What do you think of Wendy?” My family had met her numerous times over the years, and if Lis had lived closer, I think they could have been good friends.

Dad settled back on the bench and crossed one leg over the other so his foot rested on his knee. “I think she’s a lovely young woman and she’s a fine foreperson. You’re very lucky to have her. But….” Dad paused and we sat quietly for a moment. “I think there’s something in her life which troubles her greatly. Why are you asking, is she okay?”

“I’m not sure. We’ve lived together at the station for eleven years and spent four years together at Uni, but it wasn’t until Luke arrived and they got talking that I learned she has a family. They live on small station six hundred kilometers away. She hadn’t once mentioned her parents and the fact she has four older brothers.”

Dad frowned and his eyes narrowed.

“What, dad?”

“Does she have a boyfriend yet?”

“No, it’s strange isn’t it? I mean, she’s gorgeous, but refuses all requests to go out for dinner from the men and anyone else who asks. She shows no interest in men or women. I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve managed to convince her to go out for dinner with me. It’s hard work getting her to go into town and she seems pre-occupied when we’re there.”