Page 36 of Rode Hard

Liam nodded. “It should definitely work in our favor. Mr Kelly showed beyond doubt that he has a violent, aggressive streak to his nature.”

We chatted for a while longer before an announcement was made, the judge was returning. I raised my eyebrows at Liam who shrugged. The judge had been gone for less than thirty minutes. I had to wonder if that was good, or bad.

Luke had begun trembling again so I drew him closer to my side and kissed his cheek. “Almost done, babe, and we’ll have the weekend together to celebrate.” I kissed him again before Liam led him back to the table.

The court was ordered to stand and the judge entered. After he was seated, the rest of us also sat.

The judge asked Luke, Liam, and Mr Kelly to stand as he commenced addressing them.

“I have given this case thorough consideration. Most people would have encouraged this matter to remain ‘in the family’, brushed under the carpet, but Luke— I’ll call you Luke if you don’t mind to distinguish between the two of you.”

“I don’t mind, your Honour.”

“As I was about to say, you appear to be a fine young man who did nothing to bring about such a harsh beating. I’m very pleased you took the option available to press charges.”

My heart was beating double time in my chest as the judge focused on Mr Kelly.

“Mr Kelly, I find the way you have spoken about your son here today, and the beating you inflicted on him, abhorrent. How a father could inflict such injuries on a son he is supposed to love boggles the mind.”

“I have the right to treat my faggot son however I see fit. No-one will tell me different. The queer is a disgrace to me and the rest of our family.”

The judge banged his gavel to shut Mr Kelly up.

“One more outburst like that and I will hold you in contempt. Mr Kelly, you are a disgrace to society. I can see there would be no point in asking if you are remorseful, it’s obvious you are not. I hereby sentence you to three years behind bars for grievous bodily harm with intent to cause serious injury.”

I wanted to drag Luke into my arms, hold him, and kiss the shit out of him. He’d won and it was a much deserved victory.

“Mr Kelly knocked his chair flying backwards as he catapulted to his feet and spewed abuse at the judge. It was evident to everyone there, he had a serious anger management issue. The judge ordered the security guards to “get the man out of my courtroom and my sight.”

Foul language and shouting was forthcoming until Mr Kelly was removed from the courthouse. He certainly proved that he didn’t have a gentleman’s mouth. When the room quieted, the judge again addressed Luke.

“Luke, I’m sorry you were subjected to such violent abuse by a man who should have been someone you looked up to and trusted. The fact you refused to take the stand to speak against such a narrow-minded person, instead leaving the photos and your colleagues to speak for you, shows me you are a man of integrity, a quality badly lacking in your father.”

I hadn’t agreed with Luke when he’d first told me he wouldn’t take the stand against his father, but it had been his decision, one which appeared to have paid off.

The judge continued. “I suggest you stay as far away from him as possible in the future. I wish you good luck in whichever path you now choose to follow.”

“Thank you, Your Honour.”

The judge lifted his gavel and slammed it onto a wooden block, indicating the case was now done. We waited for him to leave before I hurried to Luke’s side. We both thanked Liam, and shook his hand, before I pulled my man into my arms. I again heard the clicking of cameras.

“It’s over, babe. I’m so proud of you.” I kissed him gently.

Liam finished packing up the papers, and pictures he’d used, and snapped his briefcase closed. “Follow me, Luke still has papers to sign and then he’s free to go.”

We followed him to a table where a court officer was waiting and I watched as Luke signed where instructed before we headed out to celebrate.



The shit was finally behind me and I could move on with my life. It hurt that my mother hadn’t attempted to speak to me, had in fact turned her back on me, but I wasn’t surprised.

Kyle and I returned to the hotel where we were staying to change out of our suits and head out for a celebratory dinner, but when we reached the room, I had other ideas. I’d been checking him out in his suit for most of the day and my dick had been at half-mast with want. I’d sensed his presence behind me in the courtroom and it gave me a sense of peace, knowing he was there.