Bianca blinked her eyes and they finally focused on his. She gasped her relief before throwing her body forward. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, any tighter and it would restrict his breathing. He closed his eyes and just soaked up the comfort of having her in his arms. He rested his hand on the back of her head, keeping her face buried in his neck and wrapped his other arm around her lower back. He ducked out of the truck with her in his arms, flanked by Digger and King.

His eyes systematically searched the yard and frantically looked for any dangers that may confront them on their way to the club door. Finally inside, the familiar smell of smoke, beer and food calmed him. Pushing through a few questioning brothers, he rushed up the stairs to their room. He didn’t want Bianca introduced to club life or the other brothers tonight; they weren’t at their best. Those who were around were freshly woken, hung-over and pissed at this latest round of shit thrown their way.

Reaching their room, he heard Prez shout above the other angry voices, “Church. Twenty minutes.” Fuck yes, they needed church. They needed all the information they could gather to hunt down these cunts and ensure all their brothers were up to speed with Bianca’s situation.

She was trembling in his arms. He pulled her even tighter against him. He was trying to be careful of her cuts and bruise but she didn’t seem to be feeling them at that moment. Her soft curves fit to his body perfectly and even though she was scared and this was probably the worst fucking time for it, his body still reacted to hers and he felt his cock filling. He breathed in her scent that was tainted and hidden by the smell of smoke.

He closed his eyes, allowed himself a second to imagine if this position they were in had happened under different circumstances and they had carried her to their room to pleasure every inch of her body. His body was ready and to be honest so was his mind, but he knew hers weren’t. He needed to bury himself inside Digger and King too, reaffirming their connection. He wanted to see with his own eyes that not one inch of them was hurt. The instinct was intense yet he held it back the best he could.

Some of his feelings must have shown in his expression as he met their eyes over Bianca’s head and saw they were heated and worried too. Now wasn’t anything like the right time to relieve their urges and they all knew it.

King moved forward and started to take Bianca from him. She flinched then realised who it was and relaxed, allowing him to pass her over. King held her to him for a couple of minutes and then Digger moved forward for his turn. Bones took King’s empty arms as his opportunity to pull him into his. His hands gripped the hard, familiar muscles of his back. Something inside him finally eased as his oaky, clean smell soothed his frayed nerves.

A knock at the door interrupted them. Couldn’t they have just two fucking minutes to recuperate before someone needed something? He pulled the door open and his irritation vanished. Slam, the resident club medic was stood with his first aid bag.

“Anyone need me?”

He knew that himself, Digger and King were alright. They should really let him check Bianca yet he hesitated. It was just the thought of having her touched my another man at this moment made his fists clench. He wrestled his possessiveness into submission. He silently nodded and opened the door fully.

“Just do a quick check on Bianca. Not sure if she inhaled a lot of smoke or if she’s hurt from coming out the window.”

Digger sat Bianca on the edge of the bed. It was déjà vu. Hadn’t this very seen played out only a couple of days ago? Fuck! Digger was holding her hand as Slam asked his questions. King moved further away and gestured with his head for him to follow.

“We need to sort out church. I know she’s safe now but there’s no fucking way I’m leaving her alone in this room.” King stressed.

“Yeah. There’s a hell of a difference between being safe and feeling safe and there’s no way Bianca’s feeling safe right now.” They watched Slam dab cream on a few cuts and his teeth clenched. “I say we leave Dig here. He’ll keep her calm better than us.” As much as he would like to be comforting her himself, he knew he’d be too twitchy wanting to know what was being said in church.

“Fine. We’ve got a few fuckers to kill and need to know where they are asap.” King cracked his neck as if preparing for a fight.