Relief briefly swept through him as the roar of tailpipes grew louder. He joined Bones and tied several sheets to the radiator pipes. The window finally fell out of the frame and Digger moved over to Bianca and picked her up. He started throwing the ends of the sheets out of the window to act as a rope.

Digger started tugging on the sheets with his free hand to make sure they were secure. He bent his head down to say something to Bianca. He watched as she scrambled up Digger’s back and was clinging to him like a little monkey. The sight would have made him smile under different circumstances.

Hearing shouts from below, he made out the word “clear” and motioned for Digger to go out the window first. He looked down onto the driveway and saw Razor, Slam and Hollywood ready to catch Bianca if she fell from Digger’s back. Not trusting the pipe to hold all their weight, he and Bones clung to the sheet as backup when Digger started to climb out.

The small whimpers he heard escape from Bianca were breaking his heart. He silently swore vengeance to whoever had done this. His eyes stayed glued to them as Digger and Bianca’s full weight was now supported by he sheets. He was rarely scared or even apprehensive but having all of his family in a burning house was doing a number on his nerves.

Digger was half way down the outside wall when another explosion seemed to rock the entire house. Razor and Slam reached up to grab Bianca from Digger’s back but she wasn’t letting go. Her head was buried in his neck and her arms and legs locked around his waist and neck. Digger glanced up at him and Bones before he let go of the sheet and let Slam and Razor support him as he landed, saving him from toppling over onto Bianca.

Looking at Bones, King saw steely determination. This man was one of the loves of his life. He took two seconds to smash his lips against his. Bones squeezed his hand and they both grabbed a sheet and climbed out of the window. Fuck knows what would happen if there was another explosion before they reached safety. He moved as fast as he could. When he was close enough to the ground he jumped the rest of the way.


His feet hit the ground and he took a microsecond to thank a god he didn’t believe in. He swept his arm out and gathered King under his arm and propelled them both towards Bianca and Digger. He wished he was bigger, then he could shelter them all behind him. Someone had made a serious attempt to kill them tonight and there were too many suspects to take an educated guess at who it was.

Just then he noticed Bianca’s eyes were frozen in horror, fixed on the house that now had flames licking the inside of the windows. She swayed and her eyes rolled up in her head. He burst forward, catching her and threw her over his shoulder. Unfortunately, right then her comfort wasn’t his top priority. He needed to be able to move and move fast.

They all ran towards the bikes. He’d never rode bitch before and he didn’t fancy doing it for the first time with his woman slung over his shoulder, but it wasn’t looking like they had much of a choice. Just then, Cobra, one of the club prospects, sped down the street towards them in the club truck. The sliding door was thrown open and they clambered in. He lay Bianca on the bench seat and slammed the door shut behind Digger.

Cobra pulled away and his brothers’ bikes surrounded them with Razor leading the way. Fifty metres down the road, a huge explosion sounded out, rattling the windows of the truck. They spun around in their seats to look out the back of the truck and saw the upstairs windows had blown out. Flames would soon consume the entire house. As the distance between them and the house increased, his pounding heart finally started to calm down. They lived close to the Fallen compound so he knew it would only be several minutes before they were behind secured gates and high walls.

As the truck came to a stop, Bianca stirred. He leant over and cupped her cheeks. Soot was smudged on her skin and the strong smell of smoke clung to her hair. Her eyelashes twitched and then fluttered open. Her blue eyes were astounding to him. So blue they were like looking at the sky in the middle of a summer day, but at the moment they were dazed and filled with uncertainty and fear.

He hated that their first days with her were so filled with absolute shit. When it rained, it fucking poured. He wanted her to feel secure and protected by them, like nothing bad in the world could touch her. They were failing her so far. They had to do better and they had to do it quickly or they would lose their future.