She hadn’t seen or heard him come down the stairs. Before she could ask if he was joking, he softly framed her face with his hands and pressed his lips to her. It was such a light touch that she had to convince herself that it was happening.

He started to move away. She wanted to grab him and tug him back, so she did it before she could over-think it or lose the opportunity. His warm lips surrounded hers but before she could really get into it, he was pulled back and she was faced with Bone’s blue eyes, pinning her in place. It was only two short seconds later when he swooped in and kissed her too. It was firmer press of his lips than she was expecting. Heat once again surged inside her and her body seemed to jerk towards him. His lips parted and the tip of his tongue swept her bottom lip and then he moved back barely an inch.

“Delicious,” he murmured.

Hypnotised by his touch, she could only blink at him. Shaking her head to try and pull herself out of whatever trance she was in, she looked to Digger. He was stood still, his face blank. Oh god, what was she thinking? Was he angry that the guys had kissed her?

“Erm…Digger…I…I,” she hoped she stumbled into a coherent apology to say.

Luckily, he interrupted and swaggered towards her, “I’m gonna get mine, love, don’t you worry.”

She saw a flash of a cheeky smile before he wrapped his hand behind her neck and grabbed her nape. Her breath shuddered as it left her lungs and his eyes heated. He closed in and rested his lips on hers. She was just about to pull him into her when he sucked her bottom lip. She experienced her first full-body shiver. His tongue swept in and wrapped around hers. His spicy taste was heavenly. A moan slipped free, just as his lips too, disappeared. Her eyelids felt heavy as she forced them to open.

What the hell was going on? Bianca was pretty confident that these men were each other’s lovers, so what was that all about? She couldn’t help but scrutinise their faces for signs of jealousy or anger. There was none to be found. If anything they looked smug. She opened and closed her mouth several times, sure that she should say something. However, she was drawing a blank.

“Cat got your tongue, beauty?” Bones said, looking like he was trying to stop himself from laughing.

“I…I…” She was trying to talk and compose herself all at the same time and it wasn’t going very successfully. “Wha…what just happened?”

“That was us claiming you.” King spoke as if what he said should have been obvious to her. “Granted, we’d rather be doing it in much different way, preferably with you spread out between us, but we’re taking it slow for you.”

Claiming? Spread out? Slow? These questions kept circling her head. She was positive they were speaking English so why wasn’t she understanding what they were saying.

“I’m not sure what’s going on here. I mean, I thought you three were together together. I’m so confused.”

Why would they be sharing a bed and sleeping on each other if they weren’t gay? Had she completely misread the situation? On top of all that, there were three of them and one of her. Which one wanted her? They’d all kissed her and now they were looking at her with some serious warmth in their eyes.

Her mind kept skipping over the ‘claiming’ part of what Bones had said. She didn’t want to contemplate what that could mean. She refocused and noticed that they were all three grinning at her now and she realised she’d been sat their, mouth hanging open, not saying anything for minutes on end. She must look like such a fool. She could feel her whole body flush. Bones’ smile slipped and he strode forward and dropped to his knees in front of her, bringing them to nearly eye level.

“Hey now, none of that!” He stroked his finger under her chin raising her head back up that she’d dropped to hide her humiliation. “There’s no need to be embarrassed or shy. You don’t know us yet, but you will, so for now I’ll just say that we go after what we want. Life’s too short to worry about what other people think. They’re all just carbon copies of each other anyway. I mean…”

“Let me stop you there before you go off on a rant and forget what you were trying to say in the first place.” Digger interrupted and patted Bone’s wide shoulder hard. “What he’s trying to say is that your ours and we yours and each other’s. We want you between, on top and under us all.”

Bianca felt her jaw drop even further as she was finally starting to catch on.