“Now, you’ve been through a lot and we’re not pushing – yet. But get ready for us because we will be claiming you.”

She couldn’t help the visual that sprung up vividly in her head. All four of them entwined on a bed, panting from exertion with lovingly strokes and whispers exchanged. It was erotic and made her stomach flip and her folds moisten. There was just one problem, she’d never recover from an encounter like that. They’d own every piece of her and she could already feel herself craving it with every ounce of her being. She couldn’t allow herself to be swept up. She had too much baggage to deal with. She needed to find her sister, find a way to stop Dane and hide from Riot MC. There was no time for a fling and inevitable heartbreak. She started to shake her head and tears clouded her vision.

“Don’t say anything now. We just laid our cards on the table, now all you have to do is go along for the ride. We’ve got you, angel.” King whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair, separating the knots.

Bianca still couldn’t wrap her head around this whole thing so she decided to shove it to the back of her mind for now. Tiredness swept her up quickly, her chest felt tight and her aches and pains started making themselves known again.

King squeezed in beside her on the sofa and switched on the TV and selected Game of Thrones before covering her up once again. Digger placed a plate of food on her lap and they all sat down to eat. She numbly dug into her food, grateful that she had something to occupy her hands. With her stomach full and her feeling cocooned in the blanket, she settled down. No one said anything else and she found herself drifting off.

Chapter five


A loud crash in the night had King jumping from the bed and reaching for his gun. Bianca, who had been sleeping on his chest, was sat up confused and disorientated. Bones and Digger mirrored his position, gun braced and alert, scanning the room.

Digger signalled for Bianca to lie back down. She was starting to whimper and they needed her to be silent. He felt fury bubble in his veins, seeing their angel terrified and shaking.

“Bianca, get under the covers and don’t make a noise,” he quietly spoke, trying to keep his voice as calm as he could.

They needed her out of the way and out of sight. She scrambled for the covers. Digger positioned himself at the side of the window while King moved out of the bedroom with Bones covering his back. They’d just reached the top of the stairs when a second crash sounded at the back of the house. It was distinctly a window breaking. King nodded at Bones as they both sprung forward, clearing the stairs. As he landed King look around in shock. As soon as he registered what was going on they sprinted back up the stairs.

“Fire!” He bellowed.

King’s mind was racing. Flames were climbing the curtains and burrowing their way through the couch. Smoke was following them up to the first floor. They had to get out of there. The unfamiliar feeling of panic was beginning to take root in his gut – there was no shooting your way out of fire.

There was no time to plan and it was entirely possible that whoever had done this was waiting to ambush them as they escaped. His eyes took in the three people he loved as they scrambled for sheets to climb out the window. Less than 30 seconds had passed since the second window was broken and it felt like an hour. He grabbed a cell phone from the side and dialled Prez.

“Dig.” Prez’s voice came through the phone.

“It’s King. Some fuckers have Molotov cocktailed our fucking house! We’re upstairs. We can get out through the window. We need a sweep to see if there’s any bastards waiting to pop a cap in us as we leave.”

“Shit!” His voiced was muffled as he’d obviously turned away from the phone. “On our way.” The phone went dead.

Bones pushed past him to shut the bedroom door as Digger come through with arms full of soaked sheets and towels. He grabbed one from the pile and started to shove it under the gap under the door. He turned to see Digger and Bones popping the window from the frame, yet is was Bianca who drew his gaze. She was stood in the far corner of the room, thankfully keeping out of the way. Silent tears were streaming down her cheeks, shock and fear easily read in her eyes. There was only one way to get rid of those feelings – they needed to get out of this burning house now.