“I’m with King on this one. I’m itching to fuck someone up.” Bones added.

He understood and on a level agreed with them but he still thought they needed the day. “I know what you’re saying but just think past the rage for one minute. Bianca’s been surrounded by fucked up MC brothers for weeks, scared to within an inch of her life. We know she’s ours and we’ll make sure she knows it too, but our brother’s don’t. We need to make our position clear first. Surrounding her with our club, with the brothers fucking riled about Nicole, might not be the best. I just want the day for us to just be, where we can’t get sucked into other shit going on at the compound.”

Bones slowly moved forward and gently set a pillow under Bianca’s head so she was lying down on couch. He paced in front of the TV. Digger knew he was getting his thoughts straight and he wouldn’t speak until he knew exactly what he wanted to say. King was watching him pace and he could see him about to snap in frustration at the wait.

“Okay, I know what you’re saying, Dig, but we’re going to have to move there eventually. This place isn’t Fort Knox for fucks sake and we don’t know what this Dane fucker’s resources are. I say we stay here tonight and get Bianca prepared to move to the clubhouse tomorrow. No delays. I think me and King should head to the compound now, fill Prez in and cover you for church. I’ll ask Shel and Jewel to sort our room and get some shit together for her.” King was nodding along while he spoke.

It was a fair compromise. He hated it, but he knew they were right. He rested his hand on Bianca’s calf and answered, “Fine, but go now before I change my mind and get back here as soon as possible. We’ve only had her for one day. I don’t want us divided when it comes to her.” Both nodded their agreement before pressing a hard kiss to his lips as they went to leave.

Digger rested his head back against the couch and turned towards Bianca. She was so beautiful and peaceful in that moment, even with the yellowing bruises. He wanted her in his lap, kissing where she was hurt and soothing her weary heart before taking her to bed to ravish with his mates.

He could picture the scenario in his head and his dick was reacting to the mental pictures. Fuck. He could barely wait to strip her bare and let her curves cushion their hardness. He adjusted his dick to where it wasn’t being strangled by his jeans. Theirs wasn’t a ‘normal’ relationship dynamic and he knew she would need to be eased into it. Calming, he silently vowed to not let one bastard or bitch cause her a moment of unhappiness again.


Every muscle in her body ached when she moved to get up. She had no idea how long she’d slept for but if the sheet lines on her arms were anything to go by, it’d been a while. She looked around the unfamiliar family room. The TV was still on and a glass of orange juice was sat on the low table in front of her. She reached out and chugged the refreshing liquid. She had cotton mouth and prayed she hadn’t been drooling or snoring. That’d be embarrassing.

Just as her feet touched the carpet, a soft touch to her shoulder startled her. She spun around to see Bones giving her a concerned look and Digger was just coming into the room behind him. Her body instantly relaxed and she sent them a grateful smile.

“Hi guys, how long have I been asleep?” She hadn’t seen her reflection; she just knew she must look like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards. She doubted she’d ever be able to work the ‘sleepy-sexy’ look when her hair resembled a bird’s nest every time she woke up.

Bones came and sat next to her, leaned in and started to gently push her hair back from her face as he answered, “About four hours. How you feeling now, any better?”

He swept his calloused thumb over the apple of her cheek. I was such a caring action that her brain short-circuited for a minute. He smirked when she failed to respond.

Feeling her cheeks flush, she forced out, “Yeah, I’m still a bit tender but so much better than I was.” Her hands trembled at the thought of touching them, but she just had to. She took one of their hands in each of hers and squeezed as hard as he could. “You all saved me. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“I’ll take a kiss,” King’s voice came from behind and shocked her.