“I should have gone first. My story is going to sound fucking boring after all that drama,” Digger laughed. “Long story short, I was a shit from day one. My old man was doing time and my Mom was never around. She cared enough to give me a roof over my head but that was all. If I wanted to eat I’d have to find my own money. Turns out, you can make a lot more money thieving and selling pot than working part time in some shitty store. It wasn’t long until I started moving stolen goods and stripping cars. I got caught and ended up in Juvie where I met these two.”

“You still haven’t told us how you got together.” Bianca was startled by Nicole’s voice. She totally forgotten that she was there.

“I’d like to hear that part too.”

She couldn’t help leering at them as she ran her eyes over their amazing bodies, imagining them together in a tangle of limbs and cocks. She licked her lips and the guys all burst out laughing at her ogling. She knew she should be embarrassed but she was just too eager to hear the story to let it bother her. Nicole winked at her in womanly agreement.

King spoke, “Dig was there first and then I came after he’d been there about a month.” Digger nodded in confirmation. “He was a big bastard even then. I was being escorted to my cell and I saw him sitting on his own. He was hard to miss. He was in an orange jumpsuit, whereas everyone else was wearing a blue one with ‘juvenile’ printed on the back in white. Screws had put him in a different colour so they always knew where he was on the camera feeds. He was the only one who didn’t turn to size me up. I was put in a cell with two other guys, there were two double bunk beds in each cell. Couple days later a fight broke out and I got caught up in it. Fuckers split my lip and battered my ribs. I wasn’t fucking small or anything but I knew I’d have to bulk up, so I started going to the gym religiously. The only one in there as often as me was Dig. We didn’t talk for weeks, then six guys jumped him and I took up for him. After that we were always together. I got a reputation to rival his and was separated from my cell mates and put in with Dig, who had no one else in with him. There’s no solitary confinement in Juvie and this was the screw’s way of achieving it. I think their idea was that we’d most likely kill each other up and leave everyone else alone. It didn’t work out well for them,” he laughed.

Bianca could see him reminiscing in his head and she wanted to hear those stories too but she didn’t want him side tracked when she had a feeling that this story was about to get steamy.

“This fucker was ripped and I was taking myself in hand and instead of imagining a woman, I was fucking him in my head.”

Digger threw him a heated look and said, “He didn’t know I was doing the same thing. One night he moaned my name in his sleep, I looked and he was tenting the sheets. The next day in the showers, I heard a familiar grunt. I thought ‘fuck it’ and went around the partition. He didn’t hear me at first, so I grabbed his arm and spun him round. I pushed him against the wall and leant into him. I put my hand around his cock and mine, well, as far as I could, and rubbed us together. Watching our heads rub together was as sexy as fucking sin.”

Bianca felt flushed and tingly as she was immersed in the story and she noticed the guys subtly shifting around in obvious discomfort.

“After that, things changed and we fucked every chance we got. Thought life couldn’t get any fucking sweeter and then in strolls this big bastard with a chip on his shoulder,” he tipped his head towards Bones.

Bianca didn’t know if she could take much more. She was already feeling like she could spontaneously combust and her thighs were slick with her juices, yet she had to know the rest and then, so go help her god, she was dragging them out of the bar and they’d been taking care of her properly. She wanted to rush them ahead and savor at the same time. She tried to mentally cool her body down, but it was no good. She’d have to sit there in heated suspense.

Bones smiled fondly at them all. “Didn’t have a fucking clue what I was walking in to. I was so pissed, I walked through the yard on the first day eye-balling every fucker, just itching for a fight. I started shit wherever I could, but no matter what I did, these two bastards never blinked an eye. That got my back up, so I tried starting shit with them. They just kept knocking me back and never seemed bothered by the shit I pulled. Eventually, the back and forth turned into something else. From then on, I sat with them. I heard someone call them fags and I fucking lost it; I pummelled this guy into the ground. Dig pulled me off him and King started laughing like a fucking lunatic. He pinned the guy down and said over his shoulder to Dig, ‘I think he wants to watch.’ Dig lay over King and they started making out and dry humping right on top of this prick. I was shocked for about a second and then I was so fucking jealous, I nearly lost my mind. King must have seen my face and knew what I was feeling. He reached out and dragged me into the pile. Fuck, if the screws hadn’t have pulled us apart, the stupid fucker under us would have died from suffocation,” he laughed. “We’ve been inseparable since. Yep, life screwed me over, then gave back in spades.”