Bones reached forward and tapped her bottom lip, “That’s cheating, beauty,” he growled with laughter in his eyes. “Well, I was a typical jock, good grades, pussy and cock whenever I wanted it, booze every weekend, rich parents. I was a junior with a talent for breaking bones on the football field. To be honest, I enjoyed that more than the football.”

She wasn’t surprised. She imagined breaking bones came easy to him given his size. “One game, I broke this kid’s leg, ending his season. His team retaliated by cutting the brake lines on my truck. I ended up taking out a family on my way home when my truck hit their car. Typically, I was fine and tried to rescue this terrified little girl from the back of the car, her parents were already toast. Her kid-seat was trapped so I ran to my truck to get something to cut her out of the straps holding her. When I turned my back, their car exploded from the punctured gas tank. I watched as that little girl screamed for parents who couldn’t hear her. The cops couldn’t find out exactly who cut my brakes so no one was prosecuted. There was no fucking justice for that family, so I decided I’d get some for them. When the team was training in their gym, I barred the doors, set a fire and watched. Not one of the fuckers died but their screams made me feel a fuck load better. They’d had just a tiny glimpse of the terror they caused that little girl. Anyway, I was sent to Juvie, so my parents disowned their ‘psycho’ son when they realised their reputation wouldn’t survive the scandal.”

He shrugged as if it was no big deal, while I felt tears dripping down my cheeks, imagining living through something like that. Bones saw and wiped my cheeks and touched his lips to mine.

“Don’t cry for me, beauty. I love my life and I don’t miss anything from my past.” She nodded but her heart still hurt for him.

King started, “I was sent to Juvie for assault with a deadly weapon.” She continued to look at him.

“I know there’s a story behind that,” she stressed. Then it occurred to her that he might not want to talk about it, especially in a semi-crowded bar. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” she spoke softly and reached across Digger to stroke his arm.

A grin split his face and an infectious laugh followed it. He dragged her over Digger and tucked her into his side.

“I’m just teasing you, angel.” His finger massaged the back of her neck as he spoke. “I was a junior too. I lived my Mama and whatever dead-beat fucker she was banging that week. School was just another part of my day until this new girl came into my class. She was fucking sweet as sugar and had a rack that strippers would envy. She was shy and I thought she was something special. It took nearly two weeks for her to talk to me and we ended up dating for a couple of months in secret. She said her parents were strict. Then one day she says her Dad wants to meet me. I figured we were just going public and she had told her parents. I got to her house that night and she answered crying in the doorway. I saw marks on her neck and arms that weren’t there earlier. I was just about to ask her what happened when the cops drove up and pulled their weapons. I made a grab for her to pull her out of the way and she screamed like I’d fucking stabbed her. Next thing I know I’m in cuffs, at the station being charged. When they searched my car they found a tyre iron in my trunk with her ‘DNA’ on it,” He sneered.

“She told the cops that I’d beaten her when she wouldn’t put out. No one knew we were dating, so there was no one to vouch for our relationship not being abusive and I didn’t have anything to prove it wasn’t me. I was a nobody from the shit side of town and everybody looked at me like it was inevitable just because of how I was raised. I accused her overprotective father of doing it and making her frame me to get me away from his daughter. Of course, the little bitch denied it and I’m sent off to Juvie.”

Bianca could feel her mouth hanging open. “Why would she do that to you? Did she ever admit the truth?”

“Nah, but don’t you worry about her and her folks; we took good care of them when I was released.”

She waited to hear what they’d done. When he didn’t continue and Digger and Bones didn’t speak up, she knew she’d probably never find out.