The guys burst out laughing at her actions. She could just imagine how she looked. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she looked her fill of the three imposing figures. They weren’t beautiful, their features were too harsh to be considered that. They looked liked Warriors, like Vikings, strong, brutal and mesmerising. She felt like she could spend hours just looking at them, basking in the raw energy that she felt them emit.

Bones took her dishes to the sink and then dropped down into the chair next to her. “Now we know you’re full, are you ready to answer some questions, beauty?”

“Beauty?” She felt her heart sink, he had forgotten her name already. “My name’s Bianca.”

His smirk caused her lower belly to tighten, “I know that, but you’re beauty to me,” he said as he slowly dragged a finger down the side of her neck.

Unsuccessfully supressing a shiver, she sent a questioning look to King and Digger to see how they reacted to what she was sure was flirting. They just rolled their eyes at him and turned their attention back to her. King took the seat in front of her and his warm, laughing eyes were now darker and serious.

“There’s answers we need that only you can give. We know this isn’t going to be great to go through but it needs doing, and doing now. We can’t ensure your safety until we know what we are dealing with.”

King seemed to brace himself against what he was about to hear from her. His body was stiff and his teeth exposed as if he were a second away from snarling.

Bianca felt her eyes moisten as her mind did a rapid play through of her life over the last couple of months. She loved that they wanted to protect her but she’d never forgive herself if any of them were hurt by Dane or his goons. They must have been able to read her like an open book because Digger stepped forward and clutched her hands in his.

“We’re yours and your ours. It’s our right and privilege to protect you and make sure every bastard who hurt you finds his home in the ground.” Her mind started spinning. What did all that mean? Hands shook hers slightly, drawing her attention back to what Digger was saying. “Don’t question, just trust that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. Now, spill.”

Girding herself, she let herself spill all the details, from Maggie and Brandon to her time in that cell. She had to stop and start, sometimes to let her tears clear and others to allow the guys to calm down. They’d slammed their fists against the table, paced around the room and snarled and grunted at the things she said.

Coming to the end of her story, she felt exhausted. She just wanted to crawl back into bed, bury herself under the covers and sleep for a week. She wrapped her arms around herself and tried to rub warmth back into her chilled skin. She startled when she was pulled onto Bones’ lap. His big arms sheltered her as he tucked her head under his chin and gently rocked, soothing her frazzled nerves.

“Don’t worry, beauty, Dane and all those Riot fuckers will burn for every mark on your body and every tear you’ve shed.”

Digger and King made their way to her and each rested a hand on her lap and grunted their agreement. She took their hands in hers and squeezed hoping they saw the appreciation that she could feel flooding from her. She certainly couldn’t voice it right at that moment, her throat was thick trying to hold back a fresh round of sobs.

Chapter four


It was clear Bianca needed the day. As much as he wanted to charge forward and kill all the fuckers on his new mental list, he didn’t think she’d cope well being away from them so soon and they sure as fuck weren’t taking her along for the ride.

Truthfully, he didn’t want to be apart from her either. He knew they would have to part soon, but not while she was still so fragile. They needed to spend the day putting her pieces back together. He had a feeling that under this beaten-down exterior she had a core of iron and the spirit of a firecracker. Hoping his mates felt the same, he took her into his arms and carried her to the family room.

“Come on love, let’s chill a while and watch some shitty TV.”

They gathered around her after bundling her up in a blanket. It took about an hour of mindless drivel to have her slumped against Bones on the couch, dead to the world. King hefted his large frame up from the floor and turned to them, his face serious.

“I’m glad Angel’s getting some rest but I can’t just sit here doing nothing. It’s eating me alive.” He went to interrupt but King’s raised hand halted his protest. “I know what you want Dig and I understand it, but fuck man, she’s gonna spend most of the day knocked out and we could be doing shit whiles she’s resting. One of us is going to have to go to the compound anyway and meet with Prez and Duke. You know they’ll be church at some point too. I say we move to the clubhouse until we bury these fuckers and find daddy dickhead.”