In the meantime, I’m relying on Nino not to mention him, which shouldn’t be a problem since he never does. I’ve already begun to gather evidence against Enzo. The stronger my argument is, the quicker I can end him.

Natalia seems to be lost in her own thoughts for a moment. I can’t tell if she’s disappointed or relieved by my answer. But eventually, she moves on with the conversation.

The name I gave my son was Camilo, but he doesn’t know that. It wouldn’t be fair to ask him to change it now. He is Nino to me and everyone else that matters, but I can’t live with him carrying the name of that monster. I want his last name changed to Scarcello.

Her request relieves me more than she could ever imagine. I had already planned on it, but it gives me a strange sense of pride to know that she wants her son to have my last name too.

“It will be done,” I tell her.

Thank you, she writes. Can I ask you something else?

“I’m listening.”

Why did you save me? From the lake?

Her question catches me off guard and makes me uncomfortable. I’m not certain how much of it she remembers, or even how much of it she may have heard. My pleading. My bargaining. My desperation. I don’t have an answer for her that won’t betray me.

I drag my fingertip along the edge of my desk, using that as a distraction. “You’re Nino’s mother. It was the right thing to do.”

She offers me a sad smile and doesn’t call me on the lie.

Okay, Alessio. In answer to your proposition, I will marry you.



“Hello there. You must be Natalia?”

I offer a nervous smile to the beautiful raven-haired woman as she strides toward me. She’s elegant in a red dress and heels, and I’m relieved to see she looks to be around my age. Her stunning green eyes move over me with a warmth I wasn’t expecting, and her smile disarms me almost immediately.

“I’m Abella Moretti,” she introduces herself. “It’s so lovely to meet you.”

I’m already reaching for my phone when she surprises me by signing with a fluidity that only comes to someone well versed in ASL.

No need for that. Alessio informed me that you speak ASL, and so do I. My mother was deaf, so our family is fluent.

I relax as I communicate a response to her.

Thank you. I had no idea. It’s lovely to meet you as well.

She glances at Manuel. “I take it you’ll be joining us today?”

“Yes,” he grunts. “Mr. Scarcello’s orders.”

Abella looks at me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Don’t worry. You get used to it.

I notice she has a tag along too, her own version of a Manuel. He’s big, bulky, and stone-faced as he scans the shopping center, seeking out potential threats.

Shall we get started then? Abella asks. We have a busy day ahead of us.

Yes, I think we should. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with me.

It’s not a problem. She walks, and I fall into step beside her. Shopping is one of my favorite sports.

I’m glad for it, because it’s been years since I’ve been shopping for myself. When Alessio informed me I’d need a new wardrobe for Society functions, as well as a wedding dress, I seriously thought I might throw up. I didn’t even know where to begin. He arranged this meeting with Abella, explaining that she’d be like a mentor for me. She’s been raised in IVI, and it’s obvious she knows how everything works. I already love her sense of style, and I just hope she can give me the sort of help I desperately need.

Abella leads the way through the shopping center while Manuel and her guard follow behind. It does feel strange having them with us while I’m shopping for clothes, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to relax. Abella gives me a sideways glance.

Don’t worry. They’ll be busy watching everyone else around us. Just pretend they aren’t even here.

I nod, though I think it will take a while for that to happen.

She leads me to the door of an upscale Boutique, pausing to knock on the glass. At first glance, it appears to be closed, but a moment later, a woman appears, greeting us with a respectful nod.

“Miss Moretti, always a pleasure to see you, and it’s lovely to meet you, Miss Cabrera.”

I smile politely, and Abella gestures me in with her.

“Thank you, Katherine.”

“Can I get you a glass of champagne before we begin?” Katherine asks.

I fold my hands together in front of me as I consider it. Since the boat incident, I’ve had my period, so I know I’m not pregnant, but I’m not sure if alcohol is the best thing to settle my nerves. Although I figure it couldn’t really hurt either. I sign my answer to Abella and then distract myself by taking in the space, decorated in clean shades of black and white and a touch of mood lighting. It looks expensive, and I’m tempted to check one of the labels before we even get started.