Abella chats with Katherine for a moment before she disappears into the back to retrieve our champagne.

I wander over to one of the displays, noting the price on the first dress I examine is four thousand dollars. It makes me dizzy and nauseous, but Abella is quick to shut it down.

Don’t think about the prices. I’ve ordered a special selection of clothes for you to try on and they all come from Society owned boutiques, which means we get a discount. Regardless, the price doesn’t matter. Alessio gave me explicit instructions not to include tags, so there won’t be any on your items. I want you to choose what you feel comfortable in.

But he’ll still be paying for them, I protest. I’m not sure I’ll be able to pick anything if I don’t know the prices.

She smiles at me. Please don’t feel guilty. You may not realize this yet, but you could buy every item in this store ten times over, and it wouldn’t even begin to put a dent in Alessio’s bank account. He wants you to have nice things. This is one of the perks of being a Society woman, so you may as well enjoy it.

Katherine arrives with our champagne before I can respond, and I drink mine quickly, wondering how much exactly Alessio earns when he’s torturing or killing someone for The Society.

Good girl, Abella praises me when I finish my glass. “Katherine, I think we’ll need another.”

Katherine brings us the entire bottle on ice, and we begin. Abella and I take a seat on the lush velvet loungers and watch as Katherine and her assistant wheel out rack after rack of clothing. There seems to be one for every occasion. I’m overwhelmed and already slightly tipsy when Abella rises and starts pulling items off the first one.

They are conservative outfits, much like what I’m wearing now, only more expensive and a lot nicer. I’m not entirely sure if it’s the champagne, but all I can do is stare at them with a blank expression.

Are you okay? Abella looks me over with concern. Do you not like the selection? We have a lot more options to choose from.

The selection is beautiful. I grimace at my rudeness. I’m sorry. I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I know you must have spent hours putting this together. It’s just that… I smooth my hands over the shapeless skirt I’ve worn like a shield, trying to find the right words. I don’t know Abella all that well, but I do feel at ease with her.

What is it? She sits down beside me, her eyes kind as she encourages me. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings.

I don’t wear these clothes because I’m comfortable in them, I confess. I wear them because I’ve spent years hiding who I am. Trying to go unnoticed. And now, I’m not sure I want to do that anymore. I want to feel pretty. Like you.

Abella’s lips curve into a dazzling smile. Darling, you aren’t just pretty. You’re fucking gorgeous. And can I just say thank God you told me. She laughs, her eyes twinkling. I’ll admit I thought it was a crime to cover you in these fabrics. But if you are ready to let the world see you, I will light the path for you.

My chest squeezes, my emotions overwhelming me. It’s been so long since I let myself have a friend. I’d forgotten what it was like, but I think Abella and I could be good friends. I think I kind of love her already.

“Katherine,” she calls out. “Could you please do us a favor and take these away? We’re going to consider some other options. We’d like a selection fit for a Society wife. All your best fabrics. And red. Lots of red. A few little black dresses, some jeans, we need the whole works.”

“Of course.” Katherine steps into action, removing the racks and returning minutes later with new ones. Abella and I have already had another glass of champagne in that time, and I think my nerves are finally settling.

“Come on.” She ushers me from my seat. “You’re going to love this. I promise.”

Two hours later, I think I’ve officially tried on more clothes than I have in my entire life. After the first piece took fifteen minutes to coax me out of the dressing room, Abella came and sat with me once she realized what the problem was.

Hold your head high, she told me. You can’t hide your scars forever, nor should you want to. If you hide them, it means he wins.

I don’t even know how she knew it was a him that caused them, but I suspect it’s intuition. Abella is probably one of the most perceptive souls I’ve ever met. She gets me, and I don’t know how. But every time I was uncertain about something, she would talk it through with me. She discovered pieces that I would never have looked twice at, and now I think they might be my favorites. We’ve acquired an entirely new wardrobe, including casual wear, evening gowns, winter apparel, heels, sandals, and everything in between. When they brought out the lingerie selection, I studied the beautiful silk and lace with a sadness I couldn’t shake. I told Abella I wasn’t sure I’d even need them, and her eyes crinkled as she told me I definitely would.