? Tahlia whispered.

Connor nodded grimly.

“Good Lord,” she whispered. Her eyes widened as she studied the myriad colours that sparkled in her hand. “How much is here?”

“I don’t know but this says it all, doesn’t it?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, unable to focus on anything but the beauty in her hand.

“These are the reason for your muggings this morning. I don’t know if they thought you had these on you, or the key that would get you into a safe hidden somewhere in this house. Either way, these are worth mugging someone for.” He turned to Oscar. “Has the house been broken into while it was empty?”

“I don’t think so,” Oscar replied. “I certainly haven’t seen anything untoward.”

“Me neither,” Cecily added.

Connor nodded but knew he needed to go and take a look at the windows and doors outside just to make sure.

“Who wants these, Connor?” Tahlia whispered. “How did they know they are here?”

Connor shook his head. He was in a quandary now as to whether he should tell her or not. If he told her he knew she would worry about being burgled. If he left her unaware of the dangers she faced she might take foolish risks with her safety – like go out on her own again.

Tahlia studied the rubies, emeralds, diamonds, topaz, and sapphires; they were all there in abundance. Their brilliant colours reflected gaily off the candlelight and positively sparkled with energy. It was a shame to have to return them to the pouch, but she must because there was the rest of the pile to search through. She realised then that Connor hadn’t answered her question.

“His name is Terrence Sayers. He is the criminal the people I work for at the War Office are investigating. We think he is behind the recent spate of jewel thefts that have been occurring up and down the country.”

“I thought they were just happening in London?” Oscar murmured with a frown.

Connor shook his head. “They started off confined to London houses, mostly in Mayfair, but there are only so many houses they can rob in this area. They have had to widen their target area. Of late, we have received reports that jewels have been stolen from estates of the wealthy up and down the country.”

“So that’s what you do?” Tahlia asked incredulously.

She was stunned. This was something she had never expected to hear but, having witnessed the way he fought the assailant in the alley this morning, she didn’t doubt him.

“That’s why you fought like that,” she whispered.

“Like what?” Oscar asked curiously.

Tahlia looked at him with wide eyes. “Ferociously.”

Connor grinned. “It’s what I do, Tahlia. I usually have at least one of my colleagues with me, though. This morning was unusual for me, in more ways than one.”

He laughed huskily when her cheeks flooded with colour.

Tahlia rolled her eyes at his complete unrepentance for such brutality but, given that he had saved her life more than once, she couldn’t be angry. His presence in the house now meant that the War Office was involved in this little mystery her uncle had left her and that reassured her a lot.

“Let’s take a look at this second pouch, shall we?” she murmured when a stunned silence had settled over everyone.

Connor watched as Tahlia opened another pouch of much larger stones. They spilled into her hand and sparkled as effusively as the previous handful of gems. He had no doubt that they were genuine and not fake as well. His problems just seemed to escalate.

“I am glad you went to the solicitor as your uncle requested,” Connor murmured. “These could have remained in this safe forever if you had left London without acceding to your uncle’s wishes.”

“Assuming that whoever mugged me didn’t find the safe first,” Tahlia cautioned.

Tahlia’s eyes met and held Connor’s over the width of the open floor. The very thought filled her with horror. To think of something this precious, this valuable, sitting hidden for years was disquieting.

“Where do you think my uncle got them from?” she whispered.

“He was wealthy, wasn’t he?” Connor asked.