The evidence of Henry’s wealth was there in the size of the house located right in the heart of one of London’s most affluent districts.

“Yes, but nowhere near wealthy enough to afford jewels like these,” Tahlia protested. “Besides, Henry never mentioned them to me. Why did he not say anything about them?”

Connor shook his head.

“You need to read the papers he left for you.”

Oscar held out another note with Tahlia’s name on and waited for her to open it.

My dearest Tahlia,

Thank you for taking the time to find this safe. I hope you have not been too troubled by what you have found. I think it would be wise to say that these jewels are very expensive, and should remain under lock and key while you are in London. Please do not tell anyone about them.

The jewels in the red pouch have been purchased for you and Joseph. The receipts for them are in the pile of documents hidden in this safe. The larger gems in the second pouch are being kept safe for the Gem Society.

The Gem Society is a group of people who are mostly amateur gemmologists who collect rare and precious stones for their private collections. It is a clandestine group; not many people know about us because of the value of some of the stones we own. Given the recent burglaries in London, the Society members wish to keep the group a secret, so please don’t mention them to anybody.

If you have followed this trail of notes, it is fair to say that I have not had the time, or the opportunity, to hand the gems over to someone else in the Society to look after. I would now ask you to do so, but you must be careful.”

Tahlia broke off when Connor groaned and shook his head in disbelief.

“I don’t think he had any idea what he was asking of you, Tahlia,” he muttered in dismay. “This is far too dangerous for you to be involved in.”

Tahlia didn’t care about any of that. She was locked on the wording of her uncle’s letter.

“Do you think someone murdered my uncle?” she whispered in horror. She stared down at the letter and watched the words swim as she tried to absorb the possibility.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Connor murmured. “But I intend to find out.”

He didn’t say as much but he suspected that Henry could have been murdered.

“How did he die?” Connor asked.

“The solicitor said he was found dead in his bed. The doctor put it down to natural causes,” Tahlia whispered. “I had no reason to think that there was anything amiss.”

Connor nodded. He needed to see the doctor who had signed her uncle’s death certificate to find out for himself. For now, he decided not to mention it. Tahlia looked distressed enough by everything as it was.

“What else does it say?” He prompted when she had seemingly forgotten about the letter in her hand.

Tahlia jerked out of her thoughts and realised everyone was staring at her. Taking a deep, fortifying breath, Tahlia refocused on the words and began to read.

“The gems belonged to a late member of the Gem Society; Rupert Balgravia. He was burgled not so long ago. Unfortunately, Rupert informed us that he was struggling with someone who was trying to blackmail him, but he didn’t know who and refused to pay up. Needless to say they claimed they knew he had the jewels and wanted them in exchange over some hidden family secret Balgravia didn’t want to become public knowledge. Balgravia was concerned that the jewels he and his father had collected over many years were at risk. He wanted them kept out of his house until the whole matter blew over. I agreed to put them in the safe as long as he didn’t tell anyone where they were. He was murdered a week later.

While I have no reason to believe anybody is aware I have Balgravia’s jewels, I don’t want them to remain in the house once I am gone. They are precious, and need to be handed back to his widow. I would therefore be grateful if you could take them to her. I am sure she will be pleased to have them back.

Finally, I would like you to deliver a very important message to a friend of mine. You must do so in person. Don’t write it down. Remember it. I have written the address down for you on a small piece of paper. Once you have memorised it, please destroy it. Tell Jeremiah that the mudlark diamond is in London and with Valentin. That is all you need to say.

Take care, Tahlia. Joseph needs you to return home safely to him. Sort out whatever you need to do with the house. Then you can rid the house of these cursed jewels, and pass the message on to Tate but, once you have done so, please leave London and return home. Don’t wait around, stop in the house, or even remain in London. It would be best if you delivered the note to Tate, and then left London for good. Don’t ask why. I can’t tell you any more than that. I have left you a portrait of a man called Valentin. Keep it. It may come in useful to you.

Stay safe, Tahlia. Give Joseph my love. I hope the inheritance makes up for the hardships you have been forced to endure as a result of my poor decisions. I have since met with a few close acquaintances who have confirmed that Connor Humphries works for a secret organisation within the War Office. It turns out that he is not so much of a scoundrel after all. There must be a reason for what happened back then. Maybe you should take the time to try to find him so you can both clear the air? I will leave it to your capable hands.

Best wishes to you and Joseph,



“Heavens above, just what in the world have I stumbled into?” Tahlia murmured softly.