Colt inhaled her scent. She smelled better than sweet honeysuckle from the vine. He ran his tongue across her folds, aware of the fact that he’d just taken the first lick of what she most likely considered the forbidden.

Her legs trembled and he studied her face. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she promised.

If she was okay with one lick, he might as well give her two. He licked through her folds and tapped the end of the chain attached to the clamps. When her back arched and her soft whimpers began, he was a lost soul and a rejuvenated man.

His cock throbbed. His balls tingled and burned. The more he enjoyed her taste, the harder he became. There was only one way to ease the pain in his groin. He wanted inside her. He needed to come.

One or two swipes across a virgin’s pussy would never be enough. He was a foolish man to think he had that much control. He sank between her folds and lapped at her then, devouring her in a way to either scare her away or make her completely crazy.

He yanked on the chain and felt the slight tug of resistance around the gold loop attached to his finger. This time, he didn’t look up. This time, he had a better distraction.

He latched onto her clit and rolled the tender bud underneath his tongue until she was writhing under him, bucking against his chin, and begging for him to finish her, groveling for the release that never came.

* * * *

“Oh fuck, that feels so nice, Colt!” she screamed, her legs closing against his head. His tongue was buried inside her, along with several fingers. Heat pooled at her entrance. She had never known anything so erotic and she never would again.

She couldn’t. Only two men owned the power to control her this way. Brant and Colt were the only men she’d ever rea

lly imagined fucking.

She placed her hand behind her back and rode out the feeling. With her feet flat against the mattress, she used her flattened palm for support, pumping her hips, throwing herself into the moment and then collapsing against the mattress as soon as he jerked that chain and made her submit to him again.

“Oh dear God. You have to let me come. I’m on fire!” Her pussy was an inferno. Her breasts were heavy, full.

“You won’t come without permission, doll,” he promised, kissing her mound.

She stared down at him then and saw the mischievous grin. “You realize I’m twenty-one years old and I’ve never had an orgasm! I’ve never even been this close before and…”

He ducked his head between her thighs again. This time he tossed her legs over his shoulders and said, “Good things come to naughty girls who mind.” His hand came down across her pussy and Princess fell against the mattress immediately, her arms swinging out to the side.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, her legs jerking when he smacked her mound again.

“I love a bare woman,” he rasped.

“Wax,” she whispered, realizing how dumb that must’ve sounded. But of course she was waxed. She was completely smooth.

Her ragged breaths continued to catch in her throat as she anticipated what came next. His fingers danced inside her pussy. He pulled the little gold chain again and his tongue dipped between her folds, stroking her, pleasing her, completely devouring her.

Good hell, she was dying. If a woman could die from pleasure, she was minutes away from losing a heartbeat. Colt held her open, his fingers stretching her as he licked.

“I need something more than this,” she whined.

“Don’t speak, sub,” he said, grinning against her, nuzzling her.

He committed himself to her pleasure and began to take longer and more indulgent strokes, his tongue completely buried inside her cunt. Without thinking, her palm fell against her mound and he smacked her hand away. “This is mine,” he told her. “Until you decide you want to give it to another, you don’t play here without permission.”

Another strong shot of heat travelled through her body. Colt rose over her then and kissed her, his strong legs moving beside her, his knees parting her knees as he lowered himself to her and stroked her tongue with his.

“Listen to me, sub,” he said, a guttural edge in his voice. “Listen to the sound of my voice and learn from me.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, realizing the best of what she’d needed was on the way.

He caressed her inner thigh and positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. “Do you want me to take you here?” he asked, allowing her only the opportunity to feel the tip of his head. Her hips zipped off the bed and she tried to shift her weight in order to convince him, encourage him to take her.

The burn became hotter, the need became intolerable, and the desire to fuck was greater than she’d ever experienced before in the past.