“Where, sub?” he demanded. Now he was beginning to get a little irritated. If she wanted to be his submissive, he would insist upon her compliance. He wasn’t able to switch back and forth in a Dominant-submissive relationship.

“Can I show you?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied, thinking he would enjoy this more.

Her hand covered his and she guided his fingertips over her lips, tracing the fullness of her mouth. She then shoved his arm downward, passing by her breasts and heading for her thighs. She squeezed his hand as she dragged him back and forth, taking him right to the crevice between her legs, but never encouraging penetration.

Before his fingers slipped inside her, she yanked his arm, and this time, she shot him a devilish smile and cupped her breast with his hand. “I’ve never been penetrated,” she finally admitted. “I’ve never been fingered by anyone’s hand except my own.”

He gulped.

“You like that, don’t you?” she asked, smiling.

“Very much. Sometime I’ll get you to show me how you used your own hand and fingers to bring about your pleasure.”

“Oh, I haven’t had an orgasm,” she admitted freely.


“You heard me. I’ve played, aroused myself, but I’ve never been able to you know…come.”

He felt like someone laid a crop to his balls then. Here was this beautiful woman spread out before him, and she was admitting to the fact that she was a virgin. She was also telling him that while she’d fingered herself, tried to find some measure of pleasure in self-love, she was unsuccessful.

Good God. He was right from the very beginning. Princess would be nothing but pure pleasure.

He was certain of something else, too. They were destined to fall in love.

Aroused, he took hold of her legs and pulled her to him. “You’ve never been with a man,” he whispered across her lips, reaching for his gadgets. “And yet you’re willing to submit to me. Why?”

“Because I’ve always loved you and Brant. You were mine from the moment we first met,” she said in the most sincere voice he’d ever heard.

“You were a little girl.”

“Little girls grow up to become women with needs,” she said, touching his cheek. “And I’ve always known one day I would find you and become the woman you needed me to be.”

“But you thought Brant and I were gay,” he teased.

She smiled. “I thought one day we would live happily ever after because remember, my dreams began as a little girl. Even as a young woman, I had fantasies. I imagined if you were gay, you would see me, and I would love you straight.”

He laughed. “You must’ve been counting on being mighty persuasive.”

“I was,” she said, coming to her knees. Her hand brushed by his cheek and she picked at his hair, acting as if she enjoyed the mere act of playing with one strand and then another.

While she spoke to him in a quiet voice, he pulled a pair of nipple clamps away from the long gold case housing them. She pretended not to notice as he unhooked the chain attached to the jewel-encrusted clamp and never even shivered when he started to arouse her, pinching the left nipple as he prepared her.

Her gaze met his and then she looked down. “What is that?”

“Nipple clamps,” he explained, tweaking her nipple and then dropping his lips over the tight, little point.

Her hand fell against his nape and she twirled her fingers through his hair. For a moment, he was lost again, submitting even to her touch. Training was postponed. He simply enjoyed the way she caressed and pampered him.

He moved to the other nipple and sucked the tightly-drawn gem until both points were visibly hard, easy to clamp. Then, he secured the claw-like contraption over both breasts, ran the chain down the length of her belly, and found his place between her legs.

“I’m going to make you a very happy woman,” he told her.

“I’m already happy, Colt.”

He smiled to himself. She may have been happy, but she’d never been satisfied. Maybe he should’ve described precisely what he meant. Then again, he’d rather just show her.