“Psht! Heather!” Ellie muted a laugh. Maybe she would change her vote. Without Markie to tag along, the ladies would have a barrel of laughs. Serena looked indecisive anyway. “You know what? I think holding up a Miami bar sounds fabulous.”

“Good,” Serena said, sighing in relief. “Let’s hurry before Draegan realizes we’re leaving Markie behind.”

“Now you’re coming to your senses,” Sable said. “Besides, once the fellas arrive, all of us are bed-bound anyway. If we’re going to take Miami, we need to do it now!”

They took off in a rush as Markie called out behind them. Ellie didn’t feel guilty at all. In fact, she felt young, wild, and free.

* * * *

After they took a moment in the ladies room, the women hurried outside to hail a cab. Country girls, they hadn’t really discussed transportation but as soon as they stepped to the curb, they realized the guys had thought of everything. A chauffeur flashed a white cardboard sign with McCall Ladies in bold print. Right under it, the card read: Trouble Awaits.

“Oh my god,” Serena said, gripping Ellie’s forearm. “Would you believe I’ve never ridden in a limousine?”

“Allister,” Ellie muttered, thinking he was the only one romantic enough to arrange upscale transportation on a whim.

“Allister?” Sable shook her head. “This has Harley written all over it.”

“Harley is too carefree,” Heather said, standing back and studying the white stretch Mercedes limo. “This is Gabe’s style.”


sp; “Definitely Draegan,” Serena added.

“Ladies?” The chauffeur opened the back door for them.

Serena was the first one inside. Sable and Ellie followed right behind her. Heather brought up the rear. Ellie realized what a crucial error they’d made as soon as the car pulled away from the curb and the glass divider between driver and passengers slowly lowered.

“I told you we’d meet again.” Seth Jones stared back at them with a glare as evil as any Ellie had ever seen.

“What the hell?” Sable jerked the door handle immediately.

“This is not good,” Serena said quietly.

“No, love. It really isn’t,” Seth said, moistening his lips and looking at Ellie as if he planned to have his way with her.

“Get out!” Ellie dove for the door, but it was no use. They were locked in and the car was racing away from the airport anyway.

“What do you want?” Sable asked, speaking in a loud ballsy voice.

Heather and Ellie fought with the door, kicking their heels against the frame and pounding their fists against the glass. “Help!” No matter how many times they yelled, no one would hear them now. They were on the freeway, speeding away from everyone they loved.

“I asked you a question,” Sable said evenly. “What do you want?”

“You’re the one who fucks five fellas,” Seth said, shaking his finger and narrowing his eyes. “I can definitely see that. You have the cheap tramp look. It works for you.”

“I’m surprised, Mr. Jones,” Heather said, throwing her arm against Sable’s stomach and stopping her from lounging forward. “Berating women didn’t seem like your style when you were getting your nose bashed in by Allister!”

“Heather,” Serena said, now holding Heather at bay. “Why don’t we try to keep things civil?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Seth muttered, flashing a toothy smile.

“You don’t want my friends,” Ellie said, hoping she could save them even if she couldn’t save herself.

“I need your friends.” Seth took a ragged breath. “I want you, Miss Hunter.”

Ellie gulped. He’d called her Miss on the plane. He’d asked her if she and Allister were married. Not once had she mentioned her last name.

“Oh now look at that. You’re pouting already?” Numerous dimples framed his lips when he smiled then. The grin reminded Ellie of a clown, one which sported a wet latex mask.