“Did you sleep well?” Bradley asked, reaching over her head to grab her carry-on luggage.

“Yes.” She brushed his fingers with a kiss. “What do you say we go enjoy our vacation?”

“My goodness!” The older woman shook her head, waved her hand, and laughed aloud. “And to think I wanted to give you lessons on dealing with men. Looks like you have it covered. You could’ve taught me a thing or two.”

Ryan and Bradley offered her warm smiles, but as soon as she turned her back they scowled at Mr. Jones. He only smirked in return.

As they waited to exit the plane, Heather rushed over and gouged Bradley in the ribs. “Did you have a safe flight, big brother?”

“Almost didn’t,” he replied, glaring at Mr. Jones’s back.

“Do I want to know?” she asked Ellie.

“Probably not.” Ellie laughed. “What are you doing back here?”

“The guys are headed to baggage claim. We’re meeting them at the hotel.”

“In Key West?” Ellie asked.

Bradley and Ryan, forever protective, immediately locked in on Jones. He stiffened as if he realized it wasn’t the time or place to acknowledge their final destination.

Ellie glanced at him and shrugged. Seth Jones wasn’t a threat. He’d probably go home to his wife and seven or eight kids and laugh at them because they’d acted so absurd.

“We’re staying at some swanky place in Miami tonight,” Heather informed her. “Private suites, rooftop pool, oceanfront, bar on site, you name it.”

“Sounds exciting.”

“After the trip you’ve had, you’ll be a staple at that bar.” Heather patted her brother’s cheek. “She’s in good hands.”

Then, Heather yanked Ellie out of line and pulled her through the middle section. They hurried to the front of the plane and met up with Sable and Serena.

“What are you up to, ladies?” Ellie was excited by the obvious conspiracy.

“What do you say we leave these obsessive hunks and go have some girl time?” Sable waved at Harley and Mac. She was a bit too enthusiastic. Given the expressions on Mac’s and Harley’s faces, they weren’t supporting the girl time.

“Don’t act overly excited,” Serena said, elbowing her. “Draegan was for this. If he thinks we’re doomed for fun without him, he’ll tag along.”

“Wait for me, girls!” Markie waved his arms over his head and pushed his way through the line. “Just sit tight in the terminal!” His singsong voice resonated around them.

“We can’t take Markie,” Sable whispered.

“He’s harmless.” Ellie didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

“He’s a plant for the guys,” Heather said.

“That’s two against, one for.” Sable studied Serena. “You can make it a tie or avoid the hassles and side with us.”

“We’re really voting this?” Ellie asked.

“Absolutely,” Heather responded enthusiastically, waving farewell to Curt and Gabe.

“Love you,” Gabe said, squeezing by her with his arms loaded down with luggage.

“Love you more,” she assured him, watching his back until Curt approached. She then repeated the process.

“The nerve of these young women today,” a woman said, elbowing her husband. “It’s preposterous.”

“Don’t knock it,” Heather said flippantly, ogling the woman’s husband for obvious spite.