“Oh my God, you scared me to death!” Serena sat straight up in bed and quickly scrambled to pull the sheet over her bare breasts.

“What the hell are you doing?” Draegan sat upright, too, throwing his arm behind him and resting his hand on her hip.

Bane wasn’t as easy to rouse. It took him a minute before he seemingly became aware of his surroundings.

“Fucked your consciousness right out of you, did she?” Mac smirked. “Maybe now the two of you can get along.”

“And I ask again. What the hell, Mac?” Draegan dragged his index finger over his left eye.

“You really need to stop showing up here like this, Mac,” Serena said.

“And you should start locking your doors.” He thumbed the vent over his left shoulder. “When this is over, Draegan needs to have our guys come out and take a look at that heat pump. No wonder you can’t hear anything back here. How do you sleep with that racket?”

“You didn’t stop by to discuss Serena’s heating and cooling unit,” Bane pointed out. “What’s up?”

“Tried to call. Noticed your cell phones on the kitchen counter. We’ve got about an hour. We heard from Vin.” Worry marred his brow. “We’ll leave in forty-five.” He turned to go but then hesitated. “You’d better say your goodbyes. That’s where I’m headed.”

“What about Harley and Allister?”

“It’s just me and you, Draegan.” He cleared his throat. “But we’ve got this, brother.”

“Damn right, we do.”

Mac nodded once. “It started with us. It might as well end with us.”

A minute later, Mac left and Draegan hit the shower. He stood there soaking in the heat, working out the kinks in his tired muscles.

He was relieved they would soon be given the opportunity to save Markie. Bane had been wrong. Markie was alive. Draegan had never doubted it for a minute, but now he was sure. He and Mac would have a chance to save him and that’s all he’d wanted.

A waft of one of his favorite aromas—a mix of woman and coffee—filled the steamy bathroom. His cock sprang to life as if Serena had entered the bathroom pitching all sorts of illicit promises.

For a split second, he felt guilty. He’d finally loved the woman he wanted, and now he would leave her.

The pale pink shower curtain shimmied and she stepped inside the tub. Unadulterated notions were apparently rushing through her mind.

“I don’t want you to go.” She eased forward and draped her arms over his shoulders. Tilting her head one way or the other, she seemingly pleaded with him without saying another word.

Pecking his cheek and lips, she trailed his neck with a series of kisses then, too, placing each of them along his trunk before returning to his lips again for a more fulfilling kiss.

He picked her up then, gripping her ass and holding her against the slippery tile wall. Staring into her eyes, he whispered at her ear. “This is not goodbye.”

He then thrust inside her warm pussy with hard and fast strokes, admiring the beauty in his arms as he fucked her with recklessness driving him.

His mouth traveled across her breasts, up to her neck, to her ear, and back to those voluptuous breasts once more.

“Draegan,” she muttered, turning her head to acknowledge Bane as he entered the shower then, too.

“Damn you, Detective.” Draegan shot him a smile. “You just wouldn’t let me have this last moment to myself. Would you?”

“Because it isn’t your ‘last’ moment,” Bane said, gripping her hand and bringing her fingers to his lips.

Noting the look of enhanced lust in his woman’s eyes, he secured her legs behind his back and left the shower then.

“What are you up to?” she asked, mischief in her eyes.

“You’ll see.” Draegan butted his hips against the vanity and released her. Scooting against the mirror, he cupped his balls and pushed down on his cock, aiming his tip at her lips. “Fuck her from behind.” He didn’t look at Bane. Instead, he watched Serena.

As if she took his request as a specific dare, she took hold of his cock, pumping him nice and slow. “You think I can’t do two things at once? Is that it?”