“Oh, I’m pretty sure you can multitask,” he rasped, thinking of their exquisite night of passion just a few short hours ago. “But Bane owes you a spanking. I want to watch.”

Bane sniffed. “With the mirrors in this place, no one will miss anything.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Serena’s bathroom housed two mirrored walls plus the wide mirror behind the vanity. “I may end up loving this particular room.”

“You naughty boy.” She moistened her lips and mashed her body against Bane’s.

He gripped her hips, bringing her bottom even with his cock. Then, he slapped the hell out of her ass, the smacking sound inevitably turning her on.

Her mouth watered around Draegan’s crest and she sucked him between her cheeks. Bane gave her another few licks. Serena tightened her suction and bobbed her pretty little head over Draegan’s dick.

“That’s it, baby. Suck, sugar.” He held her head down to his lap, loving the way she tightened and released his thick, pulsing cock.

Bane gave her one hell of a spanking and those watery eyes proved the burn had only turned her on. Licking and sucking, she undoubtedly enjoyed giving him head, but when Bane grabbed her hips and entered her from behind, her aggressive behavior became downright explicit.

Her fingers danced at his scrotum as her tongue and cheeks worked for his arousal, fought for his relief. The slapping of bodies was a profound turn-on as Bane fucked her, the sounds of wet sex just adding flavor to their illicit early morning rendez


“Come,” she whispered, resting her mouth against his cockhead before sliding down his shaft with a tight and slow glide.

Draegan pressed his head against the glass and pushed his hips away from the vanity. Bane hollered out as he plowed her from behind, ramming her faster and faster as his body went into sudden and repetitious jolts.

Serena hummed around Draegan’s pulsing cock as she moaned in delight, obviously satisfied. Her pleasure-filled hums sent shards of vibrations through his cock as quick ripples of sudden pleasure left him screaming his beautiful woman’s name.

Chapter Sixteen

Feds and locals from surrounding counties were waiting for them at the gate. Bane frowned as they approached. “This isn’t good, Draegan.”

“I’m thinking the same thing.”

A moment later, Bane marched into the center of the crowd. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He glanced around at his peers. “Who’s in charge here?” What he really should’ve asked was “Which dumbass organized a blatant operation right there in front of Trouble so anyone could get word back to Vin?”

“Chief Thompson, Drover PD.” Thompson extended his hand.

“And you thought it was necessary to what….let Vin Vance know we’re working with the McCalls?”

“He already knows,” Thompson said. “Fella is clever…or maybe psychic. He called us here. Said you would need us on the scene. Said you were a bit tied up.” He glanced at Serena and Draegan. “Said you’d probably want the gates covered so you could watch the comings and goings. Said you—”

Bane stuck his hand up in the air. Young chief probably fucked his way straight to the position. More than eight or ten career cops had been in line for the chief’s position and this dude was transferred from New York City. Bane hated working with him but at the moment, he apparently didn’t have any better choices unless the Feds started throwing around their weight.

As much as he hated to admit it, this was one time when he was rooting for the Feds. Bane nodded at Harley and Allister. “Did Mac mention the call to you fellas?”

Allister didn’t respond. He glared at Draegan, now kissing Serena goodbye. As if it pained him to tear his gaze away from his brother, he turned to Bane and said, “He gets hurt and this is on you. If either of them are hurt or worse—killed—it’s on you.”

Bane didn’t say anything. How did anyone respond to a threat—or promise—such as that? He studied Serena from afar, watching as she clung to Draegan.

Feeling like the bad guy, he approached them then. “Serena, it’s time.”

Pulling on a brave front, she nodded and released Draegan. “I love you.” She grabbed Bane’s hand. “I love you both.” She took a deep breath and quickly added, “Just get out there and kick some ass so you can both come back to me tonight.”

“We’ll be here,” Draegan promised, turning away after one last kiss.

Bane cupped her cheek and walked away. Minutes later, he and Draegan stood side by side, waiting on Mac to join them at one of the community’s SUVs.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

“Message said it would be the likely place to find him.”