When we arrived, the brothers gathered in the entry, and we all hugged and slapped each other on the back. We spent some time with David and the other brothers while we waited for Ella’s parents and Steph to arrive later that night. In the interim, we enjoyed a barbecue around the pool, with David as host, cooking our steaks and grilling lobster tails and corn on the cob.

When Steph and Ella’s parents finally arrived, Ella and I went to greet them. We had a round of hugs and kisses as we greeted each other. Steph was suitably impressed by David’s place. Even for someone who was growing used to the idea of my family’s wealth, it was pretty overwhelming. She stood in the entry and glanced around, noticing the marble and waterfall.

David entered the house from the patio where he had been swimming and came right over, shaking Ella’s father’s hand and giving her mom a hug. He looked every inch the debauched rocker, wearing nothing but a pair of black swim trunks and sandals, his very buff body on display with its tatted arms and chest as he toweled off. He wore gold earrings in his ears, his hair was longish and dark brown, his beard was well-trimmed, and he had a brilliant smile. I could easily understand why female fans were so enamored with him.

I’d heard women describe him as gorgeous.

I introduced Steph, and when he saw her, David wolf-whistled.

“So, you’re the best friend Ella told me about,” David said, giving Steph a hug. “I hope you realize that we’re partners in crime at the wedding, since I’m going to be Josh’s best man.”

“The David Macintyre,” she said and shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m meeting you. I’ve been a fan for years. Can I get a selfie for my Facebook page? My friends back in Concord won’t believe it without photographic evidence.”

David seemed especially pleased and gave her a big smile. “Always glad to meet a fan and take a picture with them.”

They stood close together and Steph took out her cell, snapping a photo of the two of them together.

“Thanks so much,” she said and turned in a circle. “This house screams super-rich rock star. I’m suitably impressed.”

“I know,” he said and glanced around with her. “I can’t claim any credit since I didn’t pick it. My investment advisor did. I didn’t decorate it. My interior designer did so none of this is me. The only things I can claim are the waterfall and the infinity pool. They’re mine.”

“Infinity pool?” Steph said with a squeal of delight. “Oh, my God, I can’t wait to try it out.”

“Put on your swimsuit and give it a try. Michael and Christian are already in it. It’s warm, too. It gets cool at night in April, so I have the heat lamps on.”

“You call this cool?” Steph said with a laugh. “You should be in Manhattan this time of year.”

“No, thanks,” David said. “I’ll take LA. I find it cold today.”

Ella took Steph upstairs to her bedroom and to help her get unpacked. I turned to her parents and grabbed two of their suitcases, hauling them upstairs to their room, which was in the same wing as Steph’s bedroom. I left them to unpack and then headed downstairs to the patio, where my brothers were assembled.

“There he is,” Nash said and gave me a thump on the back. “The groom, enjoying his last hours of freedom.”

“You mean my last hours of living the lonely bachelor’s existence?” I countered. “How soon before the rest of you find your bliss?”

“I already found mine,” David said. “Music’s my mistress.”

“Flight is mine,” Nash replied, his arms crossed.

“I’m still taking care of business,” Michael replied. “Too busy for romance.”

“No one’s too busy for romance,” I replied.

We all turned to Christian, who was in the pool, his arms on the side while he watched us.

“Don’t look at me,” he said. “I’m too busy teaching and planning to become leader of the free world to fall in love.”

“Such diminished lives you guys lead,” I said with a scoff. “Rock star. Presidential-wanna-be. Bush pilot. Builder. None of you know what you’re missing. I recommend finding yourself a beautiful loving woman as your partner. You’ll be a lot happier if you do, no matter what you think you’re too busy doing.”

“I’m happy as a lark being single,” David said. “I have too many women, in fact. Don’t know how I could choose only one.”

“Ha! Said like a man who’s lonely in a crowd. We were meant to form pair bonds, brother,” I said and slapped David on the back. “We’re only really happy when we have that one special love. Seriously. Try it some time.”

“Sure, sure,” he said and slapped me on the back. “Whatever you say, brother. For right now, I’m happy with the way things are. There are a million beautiful women in this city ripe for the picking and all I have to do is pick one after the other after the other. The world is my oyster.” He held his arms out and turned in a circle, gesturing to LA, which was spread out below us, the lights of the city like a million gems in the darkness.

“That it is,” I said with a laugh and gave him a hug. “I found the pearl. You can keep looking.”

“You did,” David said and squeezed my shoulder. “You really did find your pearl. Ella is a sweet sweet woman and you’re a lucky man, I gotta say. I know how happy you are with her.”