The week of our wedding arrived, and I was so excited, I had a hard time concentrating at work and sleeping at night. While I tried to read manuscripts, my mind kept returning to the wedding and the to-do list I had with everything that needed to be done. I had it tucked beside my desk calendar, and periodically, I pulled it out and looked it over, noting what I had left to do and what I had already done. Luckily, Steph had taken care of her side of things and had picked out a dress that she was happy to wear. I glanced at it in the catalog and then at the picture of her wearing it and was pleased. She looked wonderful.

I had my luggage open on my dresser and had been adding to it each day, planning what I’d need for the stay in LA at David’s mansion and then at the all-inclusive resort where we were staying in Bora Bora. I kept the brochure open on the suitcase so I could look at it and imagine our week of peace and quiet in the luxurious house we’d rented right on the water.

I finished up all my work on Tuesday, and it was a good thing, because I had Wednesday off, so Josh and I could finalize all our plans. We were leaving for LA on Thursday, and would arrive late that afternoon, driving to David’s mansion and spending Friday getting last-minute preparations for the wedding and dinner ready. My parents and Steph were flying together and would arrive in LA late on Thursday night. All of us would spend Friday together, and then have the wedding party dinner that night with the brothers. The wedding was Saturday.

We stayed in LA overnight and then would fly to Bora Bora on Sunday, arriving back the following Saturday night. We had that Sunday off and then it was back to work on Monday morning for us both.

My mother might have dreamed of a big wedding with hundreds of

relatives, but after Josh and my previous experiences, a small wedding was pretty much all we could consider. There would be no announcement in any paper, and no big venue, no bridal shower, no gift registry.

All in all, it would be a very casual, very intimate wedding and short honeymoon, but that was the way Josh and I both wanted it.

* * *

Thursday arrived and I barely slept, waking up several times, my mind going over what was left to do, but everything seemed well under control. All we had to do now was finish packing, grab our tickets and passports, and head to the airport.

We’d arrive at LAX, get a rental car, and drive to David’s place in the hills. Unpack, and then greet my parents and Steph, spend some time together with the Macintyre brothers getting to know one another. Friday, we’d pick up the last-minute items we needed for the wedding – ribbons, flowers, folding chairs, small gifts for the wedding party. We’d go over the menu for the wedding party dinner, which David insisted on grilling. Then, we’d confirm everything with the caterer for our wedding dinner.

We had our tickets for Bora Bora and our second suitcases packed for it.

Sunscreen, a tiny bikini, and not much else.

I touched everything, ticking it off the list I had in my hand with a big red checkmark to note it had been done and was ready.

Then I turned to Josh.

“I’m all set. How about you?”

He shrugged and counted the suitcases. “Ready.” Then he came over to me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his body. “Are you excited, my almost-future wife and love of my life?”

“I am, my almost-future husband and love of my life.”

“Then, let’s go.”

We did.

Josh and I carried the suitcases down to the lobby, where a limo was waiting for us to take us to JFK. The limo driver helped with the luggage while I climbed into the back seat and waited for Josh to join me. He finally slid in beside me and we fastened our seat belts.

Josh took hold of my hand and kissed my knuckles.

“Seven months,” he said.

“I know,” I replied and smiled. “Only seven months. It’s hard to believe that it all started just out there, a few feet away.”

“I’m am so glad you’re a jaywalker.”

He leaned in to kiss me warmly and I closed my eyes, my happiness overflowing, making my eyes tear up.

“Me, too.”

Then we were off, driving through Manhattan towards the airport and the rest of our lives.



Our flight to L.A. was uneventful, and our plane arrived late in the afternoon. After waiting for our bags, we rented a vehicle and drove the rest of the way to David’s place in Brentwood.