Page 11 of Action

of, Arnie in Terminator 2.”

Davina passed a warm brownie to Marianne.

“You know, you could keep the equipment in your basement for a few days, just until the inspection is over. That way I wouldn’t need to rush to finish the movie.”

Marianne took the offered brownie.

“Thanks for the bribe, but that isn’t going to happen. I’m not hiding stolen goods. I watch Law and Order; it’s aiding and abetting or something like that. I could do serious jail time.”

Davina cocked an eyebrow.

“Jail time? Really? When you’ve never even had a parking ticket, let alone committed a real offence.”

Marianne’s pale skin flushed, making her strawberry blond hair seem pink.

“I don’t want any trouble with the law,” she said.

“Will you please stop talking in dialogue from a bad western movie?” Davina pulled an old stool out from under the counter and plonked down on it. “Fine, if you won’t help me then I’ll just have to make sure the movie is finished before the inspection.” She gnawed at her lip. “Easier said than done when your whole crew consists of three teenage boys and an accountant.”

“Chartered accountant,” Marianna reminded her.

Davina reached for more brownies, handing one to her friend and taking the other.

“Sorry, how could I forget, a chartered accountant is so much better at handling a camera than a bog standard, run of the mill accountant.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

They ate in silence. The triple chocolate fudge delight melted in her mouth. For one blissful second her problems melted away along with the brownie.

“I need more people,” she said at last.

“Or a different career. You should try to get more catering jobs.”

Davina shook her head. They’d been over this many times.

“I can’t cook, Mar, only bake.”

“Yep, but it’s great baking.”

“Thanks, but back to the problem in hand. If we’re to finish this movie in two weeks we need help.”

“I was thinking the same thing. What about asking one of the camera guys at work to help out?”

“Most of them live up London way or are tied up with family commitments. That really only leaves...” She looked at her friend.

“Disgusting Derek,” they said in unison.

“He’s a lech,” Marianne said. “Remember his wandering hands at the Christmas party?”

“Yeah, but I don’t have another choice.”

Marianne’s pale blue eyes flickered with uncertainty.

“You could give up on the movie,” she said at last.

Davina took a deep breath before she spoke, allowing time to silently remind herself that most true artists were misunderstood.

“I can’t do that, Mar. How else will I become famous?” She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a couple of bottles of cola. “Seriously, I’m almost thirty. It’s getting harder and harder to break into the industry. People don’t want to take a chance on the fat girl with little acting experience.”