Page 12 of Action

“You are not fat and you’ve done loads of acting.”

Davina smiled with gratitude.

“Walk-on parts and playing dead people don’t really count. Neither does theatre work in towns that aren’t even on the map.”

“You were a Redcoat.”

“I’m not sure if having Butlin’s on my resume helps or hinders my career.”

She knew Marianne was hurt on her behalf.

“Don’t worry about it, Mar, I’m taking control of my life. Lots of actresses have made it big in indie films. And now, with the internet, I can release my own film. Hopefully someone will watch it online and take a chance on me. You never know.”

Her stomach lurched at the thought. It had to work. It was her last chance at stardom. Her last chance to keep her dream alive. Her last chance to become the next Judi Dench, only younger and curvier. She caught sight of herself in the kitchen window. A lot curvier. Maybe she shouldn’t eat so many brownies? She shook her head.

“Look, you’ve known me my whole life. If I don’t act what will I do? I was rubbish in school, I’ve been fired from so many jobs I’ve lost count and unlike you, when I see a column of numbers my palms sweat.” She placed the plates and paper napkins on the counter. “It’s acting or nothing. Plus, we both know that acting is the only area where I feel normal. I can be as wild as I like when I act. Everyone who acts is nuts, I fit right in.”

She could see the hurt on Marianne’s face and she looked away from it. Just because her best friend understood her didn’t mean the world did.

“You are normal. You’ve always been normal,” Marianne said.

“Tell that to my parents.”

“They love you, honey. They think the world of you.”

“I know.” Davina’s shoulders dropped. “They just wish I’d fit in more.”

“No, they don’t.”

Davina gave her ‘the look’.

“Fine, maybe a little. But it’s not easy being the vicar’s kid and they know that.”

“It doesn’t matter. The point is I was born to act and I need to make it happen.”

They stared at the old cherry-patterned wallpaper in silence.

“I thought the teaching job was going well,” Marianne said at last.

“It’s only one evening a week,” Davina said. “Hardly a career. Plus, you know what they say: those that can – act, those that can’t – teach.”

“They also say those that don’t want to live in a cardboard box and eat garbage – teach.”

“Good point. But it won’t come to that. This movie is going to be big.”

Marianne wasn’t convinced.

“Really, Mar, I have faith that everything is about to change for the better.”

Marianne let out a long sigh.

“What can I do to help?”

Davina grinned – that was more like it.

“Nothing, we’re all set up. Once the boys get here we’ll carry on filming the scene in the basement.” She looked at the mountain of brownies in front of her. “After they’ve had a snack, that is.”

“So we’re still on the part where the boys plot to kill the heroine’s ex-boyfriend?”