Page 4 of Saving Savannah

I was leaning back in my chair a bit, balancing precariously. The pizza was great. So was the company. Two glasses of wine in, I was feeling no pain.

“No,” Roman finally admitted.

“Call me superstitious then,” I said with a shrug. “I just happen to know a lot of that stupid ‘old wives tales’ stuff.”

“It’s not stupid if it works,” he replied smoothly.

Zane laughed and twisted the cap off another beer from the six pack he’d been sharing with Erik. “And how would you even know if it works?” he asked Roman. “Have you been having especially good luck lately?”

Roman’s soft brown eyes found mine. His smile was charming as he tipped his glass in my direction. “Can’t really complain so far.”

We were a couple of hours into our move-in party, which included the assembly of five pieces of furniture so far. The end tables in the living room were done, the entertainment center, all screwed together. The couch would arrive tomorrow, the television the day after that. As for my bed…

Well, the guys had set the box-spring on its brand new frame, and enjoyed peeling the protective plastic off my brand new mattress. When they saw it was a King, they made jokes about my boyfriend or husband showing up at any minute. In reality though, I’d picked it because the room was just really big. That, plus I loved to stretch out.

We’d unpacked the kitchen together, and the bathroom also. Everything of course, was brand new. From the still-in-the-box coffee-maker to the bright red price tags slapped on the bottom of my dishes.

“You really are getting a fresh start,” whistled Zane. He looked me up and down and squinted. “You come up here from Georgia?”

“Why?” I teased, adding an exaggerated twang to my not-so-southern drawl. “Just because my name’s Sav-ann-ah?”

His mouth opened and then closed, causing me to laugh and tip my wine back against my lips. I was enjoying how red he was turning, beneath his lion-blond mane.

“Well you’re sure not from Massachusetts,” Zane continued to blush. “Much less from Salem.”

Salem. It had been the place I’d finally settled on. Not so much at random, but for purposes I hoped would ultimately pan out for me. And if for some reason they didn’t…

If they didn’t, you know exactly what to do.

I shook the intrusive thoughts away. Salem was every bit as perfect as I imagined it would be. Small. Sleepy. Charming in its sense of rich history, but also just crowded enough to blend in and not really be noticed.

Especially around this time of year.

“Well I think we’re about finished for the night,” I said, tracing the rim of my glass with one finger.

Disappointment fell over their faces like a curtain of gloom. I had to stifle a smile.

“It is getting late,” Erik agreed, draining his beer. “I guess we’ll pack our tools and head out.”

“Oh I didn’t say that,” I corrected him. “I just meant we’re done putting stuff together. I’m tired of hammering and screwing things. And you guys have done more than enough work for me today.”

Hope dawned for them again, bright and clear. This time I actually chuck

led. I’d forgotten how much fun it was, flirting like this.

“I don’t have a television,” I shrugged. “Or a radio. Or even a couch. But I do have something to make us a little more comfortable.”

Roman grinned. Erik rubbed at his jaw with one tattooed hand.

“Oh yeah?” Zane asked carefully. “And what’s that?”

I got up, stretched my tired legs, and crossed into the empty expanse of the living room.

“Come and see.”
