Page 5 of Saving Savannah

“Okay then…” I purred, squirming my ass into the pillow. I took an emboldening sip of wine. Leaning back a little bit, the softness felt good beneath me. “Your turn.”

Zane grinned, pretending to stroke his chin thoughtfully. But he already had it. He already knew.

“Never have I ever… had sex in public.”

We were sitting in a circle, cross-legged, facing each other as we played the game. The only thing keeping our asses from the hard wooden floor were a series of fluffy red throw pillows I’d bought on a whim, that I hoped would match the couch when it finally showed up.

Erik and Zane both drank, indicating they’d done the deed. As they tipped their beers back in surrender I drank as well, straight from the quickly-dwindling bottle of wine.

“Here,” smiled Roman, reaching in my direction. “Might as well make it unanimous.”

Our hands touched, his fingers lingering on mine for a few seconds as our eyes met. He drank deeply from the bottle we were sharing, but without breaking our gaze.

“Alright,” I said. “Out with it.”

“Stories?” asked Zane hopefully.

“Of course.”

The pillows had been my idea, but the game of course had come from the guys. It had taken all of two rounds before it got sexual. And that was only because they were being polite.

I didn’t mind at all. It was kinda fun.

“It was on a pool table,” Erik began, “in the back room of a shitty bar. Pool tables are hard, by the way. I don’t recommend them.”

We laughed as he pretended to rub at his sore lower back. Zane went on to detail having sex in the ocean, submerged up to his neck at a semi-crowded beach. Roman’s public romp was more adventurous, having taken place in the changing room of a department store.

“Your girl must’ve been trying on lingerie,” I quipped, still looking into those chocolate brown eyes.

“Who said there was a girl involved?” joked Zane, making an obscene back and forth hand motion. We all broke out laughing, even Roman.

“I don’t even remember what she was trying on,” he eventually smiled, staring back at me. “But now you.”

I took a deep breath, then relayed my own little story about screwing an ex-boyfriend standing up, while jammed between two parked cars. The guys hung on my every word. Their faces were priceless.

“In broad daylight?” Erik smirked.

“It was dark-ish…” I said, holding my hand out sideways. “Hey, what can I say,” I shrugged. “We hadn’t seen each other in a long time.”

“You could’ve gone inside the car,” Zane pointed out.

“You ever try screwing in the back of a tiny car?” I asked boldly. When the guys all laughed, I nodded. “Exactly.”

The turn passed to Roman, so all eyes fell on him. As he looked to the ceiling trying to come up with something good, the voice in the back of my mind started in again.

Ummm… what the hell are you doing?

God, who knew the voice of reason could be so annoying! And sing-songy. And annoying. Did I mention annoying?

Playing Never Have I Ever, I answered glibly. On the floor of my living room. With the three hot moving hunks I’ve been hanging out with all day. That’s what.

The voice didn’t have an answer. For a moment or two, at least.

But should you really—

I shoved the voice back again, tucking it away before it could convince me otherwise. I was enjoying myself. Having a great time with these guys, on the first night in my new apartment. In truth, I craved the company. The alternative was a lonely, eerily quiet night in this big empty place. No television, no music. Nothing but my phone to keep me company, and that was no company at all.

“Never have I ever… slept with a total stranger,” said Roman, drinking almost immediately afterward. The others drank too, as he held the bottle out to me with a fiendish smile.