Page 80 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Seriously? That’s it?”


Tyler was beside himself. “That’s it?! That’s all the trouble you’re gonna get into after staying out all night? Unbelievable!”

He went back to cleaning the fryer, pissed off and grumbling. “I have a couple of choice words with a couple of those choice jerks from Monty’s and I get a slap in the head and a thirty minute lecture. You get a hug and an I love you.”

“What guys from Monty’s?”

“Those guys. The one that was here the other night ordering ass fries. Him and his buddy.”


“I don’t know his name.”

“You had a fight with him?”

“Something like that.”


“The other night.” Then he paused and smiled proudly. “But that was nothing. You should see what we did last night.”

“What’d you do?”

Tyler smirked and nodded at Gary Green Shirt, whose shirt today was the most glaring shade of ghastly yellow. “Am I right?”

“What’d you do?” demanded Ant .

“We spray painted the crap out of their place.” He laughed out loud. “It was epic!”

“Why would you do that?”

“Why not?”

“What do you mean why not?”

“It was fun.”


“Yeah fun. What’s your problem?”


“What do you care why?

“Does daddy know?”

“No. And he better not find out.”

“Does daddy know what?” asked Cap. He was standing right behind Tyler.

“Nothing,” said Tyler, afraid to turn around.

“Tell him.”
