Page 79 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Antoinette. Outside. Now.”

He was stomping toward her and gesturing for her to move it.

They both headed out the side door.

“You want to tell me where you were last night?”


“Don’t you what me. You don’t think we heard you sneaking in at the crack of dawn this morning? Where were you?”

“Out,” she said.


“Out. ”

“Tell me where.”


“What did you say?”

“I said no daddy.” She held her ground. “I was out. With a friend. That’s all you need to know.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to?” he asked angrily.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?” she responded sarcastically. “Don’t you trust me?”

“I don’t know anymore. Staying out all night. Lying to your parents. Blowing off Patrick.”

“Hey - I didn’t lie to anybody. I never wanted to go out with Patrick in the first place and I’m old enough to stay out all night if I want to.”

With that, Cap’s whole demeanor changed. It wasn’t the first time they’d had words. It wasn’t the first time they’d yelled at each other. Arguing was practically an olympic level event in their family. But this, this was different. His baby girl was all grown up now and it kind of took the wind right out of his sails.

She could see it. She could see the change. Suddenly he didn’t look so big anymore. “Hey,” she said. “I’m sorry I worried you.”

She grabbed his hand. Then she hugged him. Her head pressed against his chest. “Please don’t be mad at me daddy. But this is my life and I’m old enough now to make my own decisions.” She looked up into his eyes. She wasn’t sure she’d ever noticed the wrinkles around the edges before.

“I brought you something.” She let go of him, stepped to the counter and grabbed that white bag. From it she pulled a tall coffee and a bear claw.

“What’s this?”

“I brought you a coffee.”

He eyed it suspiciously. “Not some Costa Cuban, organic, fair trade, soy mocha latte frappacino nonsense is it?”

r /> “No daddy. A double red eye. Just the way you like it. Big and black with a double shot. And this.” She handed him the bear claw.

It was huge but it still looked small in his meaty paw. He took a sip and a bite and began to feel better.

“Yeah,” he said shaking his head knowingly. “You knew you were gonna be in trouble today. That’s why you brought these.”

She smiled and shrugged. Of course he was right. You couldn’t fault her for being smart.

“I brought them because I love you.”

“Sure,” he said. Then he walked back into the store, back to the office and closed the door.