Page 78 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Yeah, that’s right. Me and Benny. We’re gonna get some serious payback.”

“You think that’s a good idea?”

“Yeah I think it’s a good idea. And you’re coming with us.”

“No,” said Romeo reflexively .

“No?! What do you mean no?”

“If we go out tonight then they’ll go back out tomorrow night and then this’ll never end.”

Marco couldn’t believe his ears. “Are you kidding me?!”

“You know if we hadn’t stole those onions this probably would never have happened.”

“You’re saying this is our fault?!”

“I’m just saying.”

“You’re going.”

And now he had Ant to think about too. Seeing her again was going to be hard enough without escalating some childish tit-for-tat graffiti thing.

“Maybe we should let this all just blow over,” Romeo said. Then he gestured for the brush in an effort to take over and give Marco a break. “Here, let me help.”

Marco refused to give up the brush. Despite his bloody hands he doubled down and scrubbed harder, channeling his anger into energy.

“You’re going,” he said again, not taking his eyes off the wall.

Monty popped out. “How’s it coming?”

“It’s coming,” said Marco sarcastically.

“Where were you?” he asked Romeo.

“Overslept. Sorry.”

“You see this?”


Monty shook his head and went back inside.

When he was gone Marco turned to Romeo and said again, “You’re going.”

Romeo realized he had little to no choice. Marco and Benny were hell bent on payback. Maybe, he thought, if I go I can keep the peace.


Ant arrived at Cap’s through the back door. She was bright eyed and bushy tailed despite the substantial lack of sleep she’d had the last couple of nights.

“You’re late,” said Tyler as she brushed past him. “Dad’s looking for you.”

“Where is he?”

“In the office.”

Ant looked but couldn’t see anything from where she was standing. She placed the white paper take out bag she’d brought with her on the counter, grabbed an apron from underneath and went to work. For about two seconds. Then she heard him.