Page 124 of Romeo & Antoinette

“How do I look?” she asked.

“Fine,” he huffed.

“You look great mom,” said Ant.

“Yeah, you look great,” added Nikki, because, why not.

Actually, they all looked pretty good. Cap was casual in slacks and a blazer. Nikki had toned it down and reeled it in. Opting for jeans and a modest top in place of her usual slutastic outfits. Ant was radiant in a white sun dress and jeweled flip flops. But Mrs Cap had really gone to town. And if Cap knew how much she’d spent on that dress or those shoes she was ruining in the grass there would undoubtedly be World War Three .

He’d never know though. She had become a master at hiding what she spent. It was her super power. “So where is the Mayor, do you think?” she asked, to no one in particular.

“There,” said Ant, pointing at the receiving line. She’d found the Mayor easily. Patrick too. And while she wouldn’t admit to herself that she was scanning the crowd for Romeo, she hadn’t seen him yet.

“He’s next to Patrick,” said Nikki, excited to see Patrick again.

“Good. Let’s get this over with,” said Cap definitively.

Mrs Cap stopped in her tracks. Cap too, as a result. He was a big guy, and at times an unstoppable force. But, just as often, his wife could be the quintessential immoveable object.

“What are you talking about?” she demanded.

“I’m talking about getting this over with. Let’s get on that stupid line and let the stupid Mayor know we’re here so we can stupid leave.”

“We’re not going anywhere.”

“Oh yes we are.”

“Oh no we’re not,” said Mrs Cap defiantly.

Cap was beginning to realize he was fighting a losing battle. “Can’t we just get this over with so we can leave?”

“We’re not leaving till cake,” she said.

“Why not?”

“Because you don’t leave a birthday party till cake!”

Romeo could see them easily from where he was standing. Ant looked amazing. Her hair was up in a pony tail, the ends brushing delicately over her shoulders as she walked. And that dress… That perfect, little white sundress that accentuated her burnished tan and every soft curve of her body. It literally took his breath away.

“Wow,” Marco said. “You really dodged a bullet there my friend. Woof. No talent at this party.”

Romeo didn’t even hear him. He was so focused on her .

So Marco blew in his ear. Just a quick puff.

That got his attention. “Huh? What? Ewww…”

“What’s up big guy?”

Romeo shook his head. “Nothing man.”

Then Monty walked up. “What are you still doing here?”

“Um… Nothing. I was just leaving.”

“Yeah. You are. Now. Go.”

“Okay. Okay. Don’t go crazy. I’m going.”