Page 125 of Romeo & Antoinette

Marco went about four steps before he turned back around. No doubt to crack wise, one last time. But, Monty cut him off. Told him to keep moving. Which he did. Grudgingly. All the way back to the restaurant where he had a relatively quiet and uneventful night.

If only the same could be said for all the people at the party.

Romeo, of course, heard and saw none of it. He couldn’t take his eyes or his mind off Ant. Monty saw it. Saw his son gazing off into the party. Though he wasn’t sure exactly what or who had got his boy so wrapped up.

Monty looked at Frank. Asked him the question without saying a word. But, Frank just shrugged.


Romeo shook it off. “Yeah dad.”

“What’s up?”


“Really? Doesn’t look like nothin’.”

“It’s nothin’ really.”

“Okay. I’ve got to go meet your mom. Hold down the fort will you?”

“Sure thing.”

It took the Caps seventeen minutes and fifty-two seconds to make their way up the receiving line and to the Mayor. Cap knew exactly how long because he timed it, growing more morose with each passing minute.

“Cap!” the Mayor said enthusiastically. “So glad you could make it.”

Cap was sullen, but not rude. “Sure. Sure. Happy to be here.”

“And don’t you look wonderful,” he said to Mrs Cap.

“Oh thank you. Aren’t you the charmer.”

“That dress,” continued the Mayor, laying it on thick. “Is perfect.”

Mrs Cap took a step back and spread her arms wide. “What? This old thing…”

“And how are you two?”

“Fine,” said Ant noncommittally.

“Hi Patrick,” Nikki said breathlessly, ignoring the question.

Patrick gave her a little nod. “Hey.”

“What are you doing after?” she blurted out. Unable to help herself.

Patrick didn’t miss a beat. He looked at Ant, not Nikki, and said, “I don’t know yet, you?”

Ant was caught off guard and reflexively looked away. And whether it was fate or luck or just mere coincidence, she looked right through the party and right at him. Past all the people milling about. Past the couples dancing. Past the waiters waiting, and right at Romeo. Who, as luck or fate or coincidence would have it was looking right back at her at exactly the same moment.

Of course, it wasn’t luck or fate or coincidence, at least not on his end. He had barely taken his eyes off her since she walked in. He’d almost lost a finger in the process, dicing without watching. Not that he cared. He needed to talk to her. He needed to see her. He saw she was standing with her dad and the Mayor and Patrick and Nikki. He didn’t care about that either.

He untied his apron, dropped it on the onions and patted Frank on the back as he exited the stand.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” Frank asked. But he got no answer. “ Where’s he going?” he asked Benny. But again he got no answer. It seemed Benny was distracted too.