Page 113 of Romeo & Antoinette

“I’ve seen better flowers dying in the dump.”

She hadn’t .

“And that’s where these are going,” said Ant, picking up the box and tossing it, flowers and all, into the garbage can behind her.

“Really? You don’t want to even keep them for a day?”


Nikki twirled her finger around her temple, gesturing crazy. “Okay… Whatevs…”

Ant ignored her and found something else to do. Some random prep work that really didn’t need to be done. At least not now. Not today. It was just something to keep her busy. As long as she kept busy she was just fine.

Until Romeo walked up to the window an hour later.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I came to see you,” he said.


“Because I miss you.”

“Really? When? I hear you’ve been keeping busy.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “What do you want?”

“I want you.”


“Yeah. You.”

“You hardly know me.”

“That’s not true.”

“Okay. Then I hardly know you,” she said, shrugging dismissively.

“That’s not true either.”

“Yeah. I think it is.”

“I don’t get it. I thought we had something. Something special. The other night…”

“So did I.”

Romeo looked around the place, trying to figure out what to do or say next. His gaze stopped on the garbage can. “I see you got the flowers I sent.” Which was undoubtedly the wrong thing because the conversation went steadily downhill from there.

Ant pretty much read him the riot act for all the things he’d done. Or, all the things she thought he’d done. Putting Tyler in the hospital, costing her dad his contract, making out with that stupid selfie slut, lying to her about all of it when there were pictures to prove it. Pictures! Yeah, she was pissed off at him all right. But most of all she was angry at herself because she had let him in.

She had opened up her heart and her body and let him in, all the way in. Which is why she felt so angry and foolish and betrayed by all of it. How could she have been so blind? And now he was here to tell her what? He’s sorry? That’s what they all say. They’re sorry. Like that can just make it all go away.

It had been a long time since she had really liked a guy. At least a year. That last time she fell for an artist too. A musician. A guitar player for a band named Private Salt who called himself Smash. She probably should have known then. Can you ever really trust someone who gives themselves their own nickname? He said it was like Slash, but with more mmmmm… He said he was trying to be creative. Maybe that was just her type. Artists.

They went hot and heavy out of the gate. Hooking up one night after she saw him play downtown with a couple of friends of hers, and not coming up for air for close to a month. But it didn’t last. And when she found him sucking face with a random blonde bimbo at one of his shows, she threw a watered down Jack and Coke in his face and never looked back.