Page 112 of Romeo & Antoinette

nless steel. “I so don’t feel like being here today.”

“Do you ever feel like being here?”

“Never. Hey, Could you get me a pillow?”

“We don’t have any pillows.”

“Too bad. Maybe you could just pile up some rolls for me right here under my head. They’d be soft.”

“The board of health would love that,” said Ant, working around her.


“Sure. I’ll get right on it.”

“Okay. Good.”

“Hmmm… What’s this all about?”


“There’s a delivery guy walking up with a big box under his arm.”

Nikki popped her head up off the counter. “Maybe it’s that new life I ordered.”

“Hi,” said the delivery guy when he reached the counter. He had on khaki shorts and a matching short sleeve button down. Like UPS, but not. Embroidered on his shirt was the name of the store - The Bloom Room. “I’ve got a delivery for Antoinette Capogiana.”

Nikki rolled her eyes. “Figures…”

“What is it?”


“I’m Antoinette.”

“No she’s not,” said Ant, pushing her cousin out of the way. “I’ll take them.”

“Who are they from?”

Ant didn’t answer. Instead she grabbed a blade from a nearby drawer and opened the box. In it were two dozen red roses and a small envelope. She opened the envelope and read the card.

The note was short. All it said was Miss You - R.

“What’s it say?”

“Nothing worth repeating.”

“Well, who are they from?”

“No one important.”

“Fine. You don’t want to tell me that’s just fine,” Nikki said, waving Ant off like she didn’t care.

She did.

“They’re not even nice roses,” she added.

They were.